Where am I going on holiday to in summer and what am I doing during the summer term?- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

This summer, I'm going on holiday to Portugal with my family. We're staying in these classic old fashioned Portuguese chalets in the mountains. There's a pool and we're not too far from the seaside too. I will definitely blog, Instagram, and vlog about it once I get the chance because my mum said there may not be WiFi there but nevertheless, I will catch you guys up on what I get up to. I'm really excited to go because last summer, we went to a place which we've never been to before which was Croatia and it was so much fun, I blogged all about it. Now we're going to Portugal, which is another place that we haven't been to so I'm really excited to go. As for the summer term, I'm quite busy because firstly, I'm finishing my year 10 mock exams. I've still got English, a French speaking exam, physics, biology, maths, and business. After that I'm done with exams! I've also got open evenings at sixth form colleges as well as taster days at colleges that have good opportunities for dance. I've also got a dance exam on the 30th of June for ballroom and street as well as work experience at my old dance studio which I've already talked about. I'm trying to organise a 15th birthday party for the next week with all of my friends which should be fun. My mum's friend's niece is coming over from Holland to spend time with us for two weeks to hopefully improve her English. She will be sharing my room and me and my sister will be hopefully taking her into town and do some shopping. I will catch you up on everything that I get up to.

Where are you going to this summer? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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