Diary entry: Sixth form, Tiffany's Theatre College, and revision! - 1 Year To Get To College (Post 10) - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

It's a couple weeks into the term and there's already quite a lot to think about. Today, I found out that one of my two sixth form applications was acknowledged and the other was still being sent to the provider. This most likely means that interviews are coming up, where sixth forms will ask questions about you and you have to tell them all the things you like doing and what you're good and bad traits are, etc. I'm not nervous at all for these. If anything I'm quite excited because it will be an excellent chance to talk about myself and to promote my talents. I'm hopefully going to mention my blog to them, since I'm hoping to take English as one of my courses in sixth form. However, I'm still very much on the fence about where I want to go, to be honest. I had it in my head for so long that I wanted to go to this quite competitive college but after a conference day that we had about post 16, I realised that the other potential college is really good as it provides many opportunities for aspiring dancers. Many students there have gone onto the Urdang Academy in a London, which I think is the university of Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts. This has swayed me a bit but I still want to try to get to the other college because I believe I have a good chance of getting in and it will also allow me to set up a dance club easily, since you have the option to form a club of your choice, no matter how niche it is. No matter where I go though, I know I'll enjoy it and I'll make new friends and surround myself with people who have similar interests to me. I'm just going to be myself in the interview and throughout the whole process and no matter where I go, I'm going to get some form of qualifications at the end of it. Some people have been pretty successful in life without any qualifications so it's definitely possible for me.

Another thing I'll be doing, this Sunday, is visiting the Tiffany Theatre College in Leigh-On-Sea. It's a bit of a drive away - 1 hour and 33 minutes - but the things they'll be doing in the taster day sound great and it's all completely free. My parents will be taking me there and my sister will come too, since they've never seen this part of the coast and would like to explore it. They'll be picking me up in my exhausted state at the end too. 😂😂 I'll be doing commercial street, contemporary, jazz, musical theatre, and acting. I wouldn't consider myself to be a triple threat as such. I'm mostly into dance so I don't know how I'll cope with the musical theatre and acting but it would be interesting to see what it's like and it's good to try something new. I'm mostly worried about how tired I will get because the day will start at 10am and finish at  5pm . I will need a good nights sleep before hand and I'll need to drink my cup of tea in the morning but I'm sure I'll be able to handle it. I had to do a fairly long day when I was visiting dancers at a school in Manchester, on a trip. It was exhausting but I got through it eventually. This would also be the perfect opportunity to get my name out to people and talk to some professionals in this field of work. I have to be as dressed up as possible - with a bit of make up and my hair done up nicely - but I want to be as me as possible to make a good impression to people about what I'm like. I'm sure my sister will enjoy making me over anyway since that's what she loves doing. 

As far as revision is going, I'm keeping up with my timetable. I've changed it from the last one I had since it made me more stressed and I need to have breaks to relax my brain. I can't always be working since it's not healthy. Sundays have become my day off officially, even though this Sunday I'll be quite busy!😂


What have you been getting up to lately? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

Marta Kulesza

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