Finding your own style as a dancer - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

I kind of hate it when people say that there's a certain way you have to do things. Like, in order to be an engineer you have to get a degree or in order to own a business you have to get a business qualification. For me, personally, it kind of shows how unoriginal we are. In my opinion, it shouldn't be the case that more people take what they know and put it into something that's already been created. Really, people should be creating new things from something that they've never seen before. When it comes down to a dance style, this is what more dancers should try to be doing. I think that far too many dancers copy others instead of being inspired by them. For example, the street group Diversity, got recognition because they created something that dancers didn't really do much of at the time. However, many dancers copied that and the originality of the style was lost because people were copying what Diversity were doing instead of using that style to inspire their own. In quite a lot of creative professions, it is difficult to be original because as human beings, the only things we know are the only things we've seen. However, I have endeavoured to try and find my own style in dance because it's important to think outside the box. I'm always told by my teacher in dance to incorporate my own style into the routine and it's true. It's so eye-catching to see several people dance the same routine differently. Unity has its strengths but when it comes down to doing a solo people should be incorporating their own style into the routine because it makes it interesting to watch. Even if it's just a small section of the routine or just one movement, your dancing will look more genuine if you're including your own movements. This can be done in any genre of dance you do.

What's the most original dance you've seen? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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