My day at Tiffany's Theatre College - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

On Sunday, I spent the whole day at Tiffany's Theatre College, in Leigh-On-Sea, Southend. I got given this opportunity from my lovely dance teacher at school. She was taking a couple other girls to the taster day and was wondering if I wanted to go too, so I said yes. I was a bit nervous because I knew it was going to be a tiring day and I didn't know what it was going to be like. Even though I'm not going to attend this college in the future because dance isn't just what I want to do, I really enjoyed the day as a workshop. My parents took me there as they wanted to spend the day by the beach. My sister ended up staying at home because she was going to go out with a friend. 

They definitely crammed a lot into the day and they included other elements of performing arts, like acting and singing, not just dance. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed the singing and acting. The teachers were funny and friendly and they welcomed all levels of ability. In the singing, we learnt a song from Dear Evan Hansen called, You will Be Found. Before that, we did some vocal warm ups and that really prepped our voices and the section of the song that we ended up singing together sounded great. In the acting, we were taught how to make an ident or a slate, which is just a small introduction about yourself and your character in front of a camera, before you start the audition. I played the role of Alex whilst my partner, Rachel, read the part of Sam. It was just a small scenario where Sam was running away, and Alex was trying to stop her from doing that. My partner, Rachel, was playing her character really well and our mock audition ended up looking great, even though I'm not really much of an actress. Overall, this part of the day was great.

At the beginning of the day, however, we all did a warm up together. The lady leading the warm up was actually playing a role in the Lion King in London so she had to leave quickly after doing the warm up. It did mean that we got to learn some quick moves from the Lion King, which was a privilege. I'm not the biggest fan of contemporary but I really enjoyed this contemporary-style warm up. It really got our bodies moving, ready for the rest of the day.

I firstly did commercial, which was my best out of all the dances. Our choreographer was a well-respected woman in the dance industry. She worked with trained professionals and was a wanted dancer all around. It was amazing to work with her because she had so much confidence. The dance we did was quite sassy so we were all a bit awkward at first trying to do the movements so she decided to get us to strut across the room, to build our confidence. It really helped and especially for me, as I'm not great at using my face, I was really determined to give a strong performance. The energy that the routine had was amazing!

I feel like I didn't perform amazingly well on the contemporary and jazz routines, since they were all quite fast and technical. The contemporary was done to Lewis Capaldi's song, Before You Go. To be honest, it wasn't my favourite routine just because it wasn't really my style as it was more lyrical than contemporary and the emotion that had to be given off of the dance seemed quite forced. Considering this was a theatre college, I personally wanted to see more original movements but when the teachers performed it, it looked amazing and you could tell they really melted every movement that they were doing. I couldn't get all the movements right but it was still interesting to learn. The jazz however, was done to Copacabana, Dancin' Fool. It was really fun and upbeat but I couldn't keep up and I ended up nearly slipping, doing a grand battement but it was all fine.😂 Our choreographer I'm pretty sure was a Las Vegas Showgirl, since it was written on the hoodie that she was wearing, so she obviously looked effortless performing the routine but it was still fun to learn in 30 minutes.

For the last part of the day, I did hip hop. The day was supposed to end at 17:00pm but ended up finishing at 17:50pm so I was already really tired and wasn't really feeling like doing a high energy routine but it was actually really fun. I was taught by a self-taught dancer who was amazing. His dynamics and popping and locking were all so sharp and on time, it was cool to watch. Considering I like commercial, I thought I was going to be good at hip hop but I kind of ended up looking like a wet noodle. I think that class was what killed me in the end. However, the routine was so fun to perform and so original. It was also inspiring to see a primarily self-taught dancer come so far into the spotlight. Yet another privilege.

I would like to thank my dance teacher again for going above and beyond in trying to get me to attend this taster day. I ended up really enjoying the experience and being around amazing dancers and talents!

Tap here!💜☺

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette 

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Tiffany Theatre College 

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