Reviewing the Sherlock Holmes series - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

I had watched the Sherlock Holmes series already a couple of years ago. I went to a sleepover around my friend's house, who just lives around the corner, and she introduced me to this modern twist on the amazing Sherlock Holmes. It was only up until recently that my parents got into the series as well. I've watched a lot of the Vera series with my family and my parents like police and detective series as well so I knew that when they were going to start watching Sherlock Holmes, that they would enjoy it too. It's definitely something that you have to pay attention to when you're watching it because there are moments where Sherlock talks really fast when he's just been assessing a murder scene so you have to keep up with the story. However, it's quite funny because obviously, Sherlock has his accomplice, John Watson, who is not a journalist but a blogger!😂I found that quite funny because he literally documents all the murder scenes that him and Sherlock investigate. Sherlock is obviously a very serious character and John is quite the opposite so it's amusing to how slowly John takes in information in comparison. However, I've enjoyed all the episodes so far on the Black Lotus and Jim Moriarty. It got quite tense when Sherlock had to solve a set of problems before people's suicide jackets went off but no spoilers! This series has been up for a while now so you've probably already seen this episode but it was still a very tense scene. Sherlock Holmes, I believe, is on Netflix so to all my American readers reading this, you can watch it, it's really good! Me and my dad always laugh at how ridiculous Benedict Cumberbatch's name sounds but he plays Sherlock well because he suits that character well I guess. I watched this on BBC iPlayer and I look forward to watching it now, every weekend. We've just started watching series 2 and it's great so far.

Have you ever watched Sherlock Holmes? Have you ever read the books? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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