Saving chimpanzees: Watching Baby Chimp Rescue - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

Funnily enough, I watched yet another documentary with my family. I feel like many people watch a TV series with their family but for me, it has become a trend to watch documentaries. Yes it's boring; I prefer educational programmes over stuff that's actually entertaining but everyone has their different tastes.

This documentary was really interesting because it was about this couple who rescue chimpanzees in Liberia. I already didn't know much about Liberia so it was interesting to learn more about the culture and way of life there. Unfortunately, it was quite sad because the people just had a civil war there so the country was already quite unstable and the people are very uneducated on how they should treat chimpanzees. I don't condone their behaviour but in a way I can understand it. Many people in Liberia are known to kill mother chimpanzees and sell the babies as house pets. In the past, people probably used to eat animals like chimpanzees as a means of survival. However nowadays, with our growing population, we cannot afford to be taking away our closest living relative, considering that they share 98.6% of DNA and have become critically endangered. People in this trade also abuse these animals. Unfortunately, they beat them and treat them as objects instead of animals. There's actually a law in place in Liberia that condemns this but it needs to be inforced since many people didn't know that they weren't allowed to keep chimpanzees as pets.

I totally admired this couple. They saw pretty horrific things and also saved many of these abused chimpanzees and they didn't get enough money for it. The wife went out and saved a 3 year old baby chimpanzee who was bound to the ground with a chain around her neck. She also saved a 10 year old chimpanzee, who not only was bound to the ground for the whole of his life, he was also given alcohol to calm him down as he'd became so aggressive and uncontrollable that he needed stabilizing. The couple was hoping to set up a sanctuary to house all these animals because their original facilities were becoming too overcrowded but they couldn't raise enough funds to do that. I'm not one to get annoyed at wealthy people but someone spent 1 million pounds on a cottage, when they could have at least given some of that money to charities like this one. Everyone has the right to use their money as they please but it still makes me annoyed that people who need that money, don't end up getting it. This charity prevents our ancestors from going extinct and people are unaware of it. This really saddens me but I hope that this charity and others go on to change these circumstances and attitudes. 

The documentary is still airing on the BBC so I would recommend you to go and watch it. It's called Baby Chimp Rescue and although there are some sad moments, there are also happy ones as the the baby chimps learn how to stay clear from danger and gather food as they try to live as natural a life as possible. 

BBC Earth

How can we help chimpanzees and other endangered animals? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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XOX, Juliette

Video link:
BBC Earth

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