What is dance really about? - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

I know that I was supposed to write a review of the Greatest Dancer for today but I think that I'm going to move that to next week because I really want to talk about something that I think is really meaningful. As much as I love dance, I do feel as though the meaning of dance has changed over the years and that people nowadays are doing dance for different reasons. In the past, dance was based a lot more around creativity and a different way to express how you feel about something. I think that tap dance was actually a style performed on the streets, where the dancers would literally attach pieces of metal to the soles of their shoes and create a completely different way of moving. Now, we see this form of dance on Broadway musicals like Chicago, where the style is now associated with class and elegance. I think that it's completely natural that things change as everything has to evolve with it's time, in order to be valued. However, like many things, dance has become very commercialised and people want to be known by their talent and sometimes that knocks the enjoyment and creativity out of it. 

Funnily enough, I was actually watching Step Up 5 on Netflix with my sister the other day and although the storyline was completely fictional, the basic moral of the story I thought, was true. The story was about a dancer who kept going to auditions to make a name for himself and to earn a decent amount of money for his talent because dance isn't a well-paid job, if you're not well known in the industry. However, in doing so, dance became less about enjoyment and more about fame and fortune. This is what I mean when I say that the level of creativity is not at the same level as it was in the past because people have seen how other dancers got famous and they want to do the same, instead of being their own unique self. Even I do that a bit subconsciously sometimes. However, I truly hope that in the future, when I own my own dance school, creativity will come first above everything else. I loved coming up with my own routines during my work experience and I think that is what dance should be about because that is the main reason why people enjoy it. I also think that the more authentic and genuine you are with dance, the more meaningful it becomes to the audience. The best dancers out there are actually the ones who enjoy what they're doing because that passes on to the people watching as well. 

What's your favourite thing about watching/doing dance? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette 

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