Going out for the first time in 2 months - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

A week ago on Sunday, it was announced that the lockdown in the UK would at least be somewhat lifted. I was quite happy about that because although I seemed to be surviving well just walking by the field that's behind our house, the effects of cabin fever seemed to be catching up on me as well. On Tuesday, me, my sister, and my mum actually took a proper walk around our village. Although I've been doing some walks in the fields, I haven't actually taken a casual stroll on the streets of my village in the 2 months of lockdown because my parents advised that it was best to stay clear of as many people as possible. So when I actually took the time to walk around my village, even that seemed to bring back some sense of freedom. It was still weird for me to walk past my school knowing that had all this not happened, I would probably be in the peak of exam season. For some odd reason, I'm still taking in how much has changed in such little time but that is the reality of the world we live in and we can't guarantee anything. However, on Friday, me, my dad, and my sister decided to go a little further out this time. My mum stayed at home because she had some baking to do but we decided to go on a small walk in Waterbeach, which is a small village near ours.

After eating my breakfast, which was toast, peanut butter, banana, and honey (my favourite combination), I got myself ready and opened the door of our car for the first time in a while. I think the last time I actually got into the car was when my dad was taking me and my sister to dance on a Tuesday. After that, I never went near it and the only person who drove on a weekly basis was my mum when she was doing the shopping and her deliveries. Who knew that we'd reminisce so much about getting into a car?😂 Anyway, I put on my seat belt and we drove the short distance to Waterbeach. 

My breakfast! 

We took a stroll by the river and saw some ducks. We still had to be careful about touching gates and maintaining social distancing, however for me, the walk lifted a huge weight off of my shoulders. It felt healthy for my eyes to finally see a surrounding that wasn't just my village. We walked past some fields that were not just the ones that I see on a daily basis and we also saw some swans with their ducklings. I thought I had missed the duckling season but it seemed as though we arrived just on time. We also walked past some cows, or as I like to call them, moo moos.😂Sometimes I seriously envy cows, especially during this time because all that they do all day is eat a tonne of grass, move about a bit, sleep, and poo everywhere. None of this is worrying them in the slightest and I'll quite confidently say that I'm seriously jealous of a cow. 😂🐄

The river and the ducks

Cows! 🐄

As well as seeing a few cows, we walked past a few horses as well. Since we were not far away from Newmarket, where all the horse races take place, we saw quite a few stables and some really beautiful horses. We even witnessed a small game of polo. I'm not that posh so I've never really heard of the game up until that point but I guess you could almost call it a type of hockey but on horseback. Not that interesting really but certainly a different sight to see.

The horses! 🐎

After walking a short distance, we turned back to go home. If there's one thing that you learn about my mum is that she tends not to answer her phone, especially when you really need her to answer. So after calling her about fifty times to ask her about lunch, we finally got a response from her saying that she hadn't made anything. That was fine as we got some ingredients to make BLTs and that was the end of our short journey away!

Hope you enjoyed this post! It wasn't the most interesting post I've written but I thought it would be nice to record this particular moment in time! 😂💜

Has lockdown lifted a bit for you? What have you been doing with the small freedoms you do have? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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