Cycling into town - Lifestyle Monday

 Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

On Wednesday, me and my sister finally cycled into Cambridge. I wasn't exactly prepared for it all as my sister sprung the idea of going when I was in the middle of having my breakfast that morning. However, I said before that this was something that I had wanted to do so after I had finished eating my breakfast, I got dressed and ready, oiled my chain, pumped up my tyres, and packed a few things for the journey. I don't know if anyone else has experienced similar issues with bicycle locks but as soon as I got my bicycle lock a few years ago, I was determined to remember the code and so I wrote it down on a piece of paper and backed it up on my phone. However, it turns out that I threw the piece of paper in the bin and I've changed phones over the years so did I remember it? Absolutely NOT! So now I have a perfectly decent bicycle lock that I can't even remember the code for! It didn't really matter anyway because it just so happened that my dad had his bicycle lock that he could remember the code for. Classic Juliette!

The bike ride wasn't actually that bad! Google said it would take around 40 minutes and it did. However, it turns out I was using the wrong gear for half the time I was cycling so whilst my sister and a bunch of other cyclists were zooming ahead, I was there in the background trying with my might to cycle up a "hill." I told my sister on many occasions to slow down because I thought that she was the one going fast and I also thought that at one point, the things I had put in my basket were weighing me down but no, I was just getting my gears all muddled.😂 It didn't matter much anyway because we made it into town in practically no time at all but I'll definitely remember for next time that when met with an incline, use gear 3!

When we arrived in the Grafton and shopping centre area, me and my sister double-locked our bikes to a park fence because even if part of the bike is locked to the fence, people can still steal the wheels so this just made it a lot safer. According to my dad, my mum had her bicycle wheel stolen one time because she didn't have the wheel and her bike frame locked together so we learnt a lot from hearing about that. Especially in a city full of cyclists like in Cambridge, you can never be too careful!

Anyway, after locking up our bikes, we went to go and look for some food. It was quite sad because most of the places that we liked eating at (Kymmoy and Singorelli's) were closed for the time being because of Covid-19 so it meant that there weren't as many options as there once was. However, we got some really nice cinnamon rolls from Gail's a few days before so we decided to get some food there instead, since it was the main place that was open. We both got avocado and egg sandwiches in a brioche bun and two pain au chocolats for dessert. The sandwiches were about the size of our hands and not as filling as we thought so that was why we bought a couple pain au chocolats as well. We sat out on a green space and ate our lunch.

After having lunch and talking for a bit, we decided to go back home since there wasn't much else to do. Apart from using the wrong gear again on the way back, it was still a nice cycle ride home. Although things were not as busy as they once were, it was still really nice to go out again and still have a nice time! I think that cycling is a good substitute for public transport in this current climate and it was really nice to have a little bit of independence. I had to put my legs in an Epsom salt bath afterwards though because they were killing me after I used the wrong gears on my bike!😂

I hope you enjoyed this post!

Do you like cycling? What's the longest distance you've cycled? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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Previous post:

All about: Briar Nolet and Myles Erlick - Dance Saturday 


  1. I know you had a great time (even using the wrong gear). It is funny how we take (took) things like public transportation or being able to dine in a restaurant for granted pre-covid.
    I used my bike a lot when I was younger, but not anymore. I live in a very hilly area with mostly very short steep hills.

    1. Yes, we did take a lot of things for granted and it's refreshing to see what things look like when you haven't got luxuries.

      I think I also was not used to cycling because Cambridge is pretty flat so I find it more difficult to go up small hills. 😂 It's nice to see that you live in a hilly area though! 💜


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