Applying for a job and helping out - My Trip to Tanzania (Post 2) - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Today, I'm going to be continuing on with My Trip to Tanzania series by talking to you guys about my progress. Recently, I have created a CV so that I have got something at hand when I apply for jobs. I included my name, contact details, personal profile, education history, extra skills, work experience, and also a hobbies and interests section. The only bit of work experience I did was when I worked at my dance studio in year 10 so I also decided to include some of the things that I enjoy doing as well in order for the employer to find out a bit more about me. Here is what it looks like:

"Juliette Page

Personal blog:

Contact details:



Telephone number: 07592 042989


Personal profile:

I am an organised, motivated, and enthusiastic young person. I am able to listen well to instructions given and I always endeavour to work well with the people around me. I am trustworthy and responsible and I always deliver on any work that I do to the best of my ability. I am hard-working and reliable, as I'm able to work in various different environments. 

Education history:

GCSE Maths: 6

GCSE English: 7,7

GCSE Science: 8,8

GCSE Business: 8

GCSE History: 7

GCSE  French: 9

GCSE Dance: D*

Secondary school: .... Village College

Dates attended: 2015-2020

Extra skills:

I can speak fluent French

Work experience history:

Employer: Ladybird Borland

Job title: Dance teaching assistant

Dates worked: 05.07.19 - 19.07.19

Job outline: 

I assisted in creating and teaching choreography for children and adults of all levels at the dance studio. I worked in admin by organising upcoming classes and taking registers. I managed the upkeep of the studio by cleaning the barres and mirrors after classes.

Hobbies, interests, and achievements:

I really enjoy doing dance because I've been attending dance classes in various styles since I was young. I specifically like teaching dance because I like working with different people to enable them to become better at the art form.

I also enjoy writing and reading. I have created my own blog and I've been publishing articles regularly on it for over 4 years now. They have become popular amongst many of my readers. I aim to encourage more people my age to read more.

I have been commended by many of my teachers for my perseverance and good work ethic during school. I was the student in my year who improved the most in my grades between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4."

However, recently I applied for a job that didn't require a CV. The job was advertised on Facebook by the group, Project 21, which is a musical theatre group that supports kids with Down's Syndrome through the art of performance. There were 3 different job posts available but I applied to be a support worker since it was the one I was more qualified to do and I could get paid a decent amount of money for it. The pay is £8/hour and if I get the job, I would be expected to do 2 hours on a Saturday morning which means that I could get £16/hour. The great thing about this job as well, is that the group is setting up in Cambridge in January so I won't have far to go each week. If I want to earn some more money, I can also take part in their holiday workshops as well if I really wanted to. However, I sent the administrator's an email and I filled in the job application form as soon as I could. It was a bit of a struggle to find good references for this as my dance teacher from year 10 had retired so I had to look in school and also ask my ballroom dance teacher. Other than that, it seemed to be fine. There is a bit of competition for this job so I'm not sure if I'm going to get it but we shall see. I'm also going to be applying for jobs in my nearby shops as I've now got a CV to use.

In terms of the jobs I've been doing in the meantime, I've also been helping my mum do the washing up for her business. My mum makes tarts every Tuesday in preparation for Thursday when she sells them to shops so on Wednesday I clean up all the cases that the pastries are baked in so that they can be used again in the next week to come. It usually takes me around 45 minutes to do because there are a lot of cases and I have to then put them all in the oven to dry but I do get £5 every time I do this. I also get £5 a month for doing the dishwasher everyday so I've tallied up all my money in a spreadsheet for this month and I should be getting £45 this month for doing the washing up, the dishwasher, as well as a couple other small jobs that I did here a there. I've already saved around £700 of the years so this new sum of money should raise my income total to £748.91.

In terms of my dog walking side job I haven't put out the advert yet on Facebook. I need to get in some practice with walking some big dogs so that I'm ready to begin the job. My dad asked his friend who owns a dog to see if he would be happy to let me practice and he said yes. My mum needs to ask her friend as well because she also has a dog that I could potentially practice walking. However, it's all a bit difficult now because of lockdown so I may just try selling a few items to friends until the lockdown ends. I made these wooden Christmas trees in the past and I sold one to a friend and I got £5 for that so maybe that is something I could do as well. I might try and get my food hygiene qualification as well so that I can sell baked goods for a bit of money too.

So yes, that's how I'm doing so far in terms of my preparation for Tanzania! I have a meeting on Tuesday for the project so I will let you know how that goes!

Are you saving up for anything? Would you like to travel in the distant future? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

Tap one of the reaction boxes below to let me know what you thought of this post. It would really help me to make some improvements in the future! 

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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