Dance diary entry: Acro, tricks, and injuries in dance - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Apologies for not posting on Wednesday. I had quite a lot of things to get done and not enough time to write so sorry for that.

To be completely honest, I also don't know if I'm going to be continuing the Strictly Come Dancing 2020 reviews because my mum's not enjoying this year's show as much. I guess Strictly has made the effort to continue the Strictly atmosphere but it's still not the same vibe with its lack of audience and with all the changes that have had to be put in place so if you don't see any more reviews over the coming weeks, it's probably because we're not really watching the show, unfortunately.

Anyway, nevertheless, we move onwards and upwards don't we? 

For today's post, I thought it would be a nice idea to just give you guys a little diary entry for dance since a lot has been going down. Specifically, injuries! I feel like it is physically impossible for me to go through a contemporary dance session without having pulled muscles or bruises all over my knees, legs, and hips. Recently, we've been doing a lot of floor work and acrobatic tricks and I feel like it's really taken a toll on my body. I'm the first person in my family who would be willing to flip myself around on the floor but the stuff we do in class is painful. I mean, when you see a professional contemporary dancer pull off a nice barrel roll into a press up and then roll effortlessly across the floor, it really does look easy but in actual fact, it is brutal! First of all, if you struggle to do a barrel roll into a press up position, you either go about the exercise too hesitantly for the fear of hitting your face against the floor or you go about it too confidently and you pretty much hit your face against the floor. Secondly, the actual rolling to the other side of the studio is painful in itself. I was taught the technique to use my arms to lift myself up above the floor as I'm rolling sideways and although that helps prevent a the forming of bruises all over your body, you also end up just have these bruises down the sides of your lower arms. I also get terrible bruises on my hips and knees because of the rolling on the hard floor and actually getting up after rolling around.

Although this is difficult, it's really all about falling with technique and enough confidence. Technique, which I do lack in this situation, is important because it isn't necessarily about throwing yourself across the floor, it's about falling so that you're spreading the pressure evenly so that you don't end up hurting yourself. It's also about having the right amount of confidence so that you maintain control but still go for the movement enough that you don't under perform it. It's a bit like if you were to do parkour or martial arts training, you have to really fall with style and confidence. It's not a half-hearted approach but it is a medium and a balance that you have to get right. However, I am certain that with time and a good amount of practice, I will be able to get there eventually!

What sort of tricks have you done in dance? What is your favourite contemporary dance trick? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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  1. My youngest son went to an arts college and during orientation I was floored to find out how often those in dance were injured. They had physical therapists on call 24 hours a day as well as a complete rehab room.

    1. Wow. Yes, I'm not surprised. Dance is an art form that does put strain on your body.


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