Oh dear another lockdown 😣 - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

I feel like I've been making blog posts after blog posts after blog posts about lockdown for a long time now and I know I've probably mentioned the word lockdown quite a few times now but yes, the UK is entering another lockdown as of Thursday. 

I feel like every time I say we're in another lockdown, I just have to take a deep breath beforehand to compose my utter frustration at life right now. Honestly, although I'm getting used to this lockdown situation, I'm also getting kind of annoyed by all these quarantines and lockdowns. I just want to be able to move around freely and not have to constantly worry about my proximity to the people around me. I think it's also particularly annoying because 3 weeks ago, I had to enter a 2 week self isolation period because 2 people in my school had tested positive for Covid-19. I also nearly didn't end up going to school for the final week before half term because I had a stomach ache. I just want to live like I used to live but obviously, that's not the point at which things are at right now and it sucks to say the least.

But alas, at least I still get to go to college, probably with a couple more restrictions, but I still get to go to college. I know it's not the worst situation to deal with but I really did not like online school. I know it's a privilege to have such mediums to be able to continue our education on but I think I had reached a point where I knew that nothing could beat just physically going into school. I much preferred seeing my friends and talking to a teacher in person rather than on a microphone that didn't even work half the time.

However, we must acknowledge that these are testing times that will probably go down in the GCSE history books in the future. It's important to understand that during these times we will see people beginning to lose their nerve. Look at all the riots that have already been happening because of all the continued restrictions. However, in my opinion, just because times are tough it is still not a valid excuse for us to just drop everything and run. I'm still going to be applying for jobs, I'm still going to go on regular walks, and I'm still going to live my best possible life despite the difficulties because 1 month of lockdown is not a valid excuse to just give up.

I believe we're strong enough to get through this so we will get through this! 

Are you in lockdown too? How are you feeling about all these lockdowns? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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