Living in the present moment - Writing Wednesday
Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Recently, I've been watching a lot of Russel Brand's content on YouTube because rather surprisingly, he uploads videos giving some pretty sound life advice which I have been genuinely trying my best to follow as much as possible. I say surprising because before discovering his YouTube channel, with all due respect I never knew Russel beyond the actor that he once was, but upon discovering his channel, I have come to realise that Russel is not just an authentic and relatable human being, he is also an individual who perhaps has the intellect of some of the greatest philosophers to have ever lived. So I follow his advice very dearly. And one of the topics that Russel often talks about is living in the present moment. Last year, on this blog, I wrote a post called "Working towards the next day," which was my advice to my audience on how we can use the present moment to stay positive during the height of the pandemic...