An update on my mock exams - Lifestyle Monday
Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,
Today I thought I would give you guys an update on how my January mock exams went as I was able to finish my exams on Thursday. Overall, everything went better than I had initially anticipated. Before I went into the mock exams, I was really nervous because I didn't like the idea of starting the new year with a full week of exams. However, now I've realised that a lot of the nerves were me just making the situation out to be worse than it actually was. I'm not going to lie, there were plenty of occasions during the week that had me feeling stressed. My history exam was probably the most challenging exam just because there were so many dates and little details for me to remember and I had to really adopt the critical thinking attitude when it came to writing my essays, it was really a challenge to do well. My Japanese exam was probably difficult as well as I struggled at times to understand all the texts and what the different questions were asking of me. Perhaps there were aspects of my exams that I didn't do so well on but a lot of my worries stemmed from the irrational fear of not being able to cope with everything which I was able to prove wrong by even getting through the week. So I give myself a huge pat on the back for that. I also told myself as I walked into the maths exam that when I sat down to do the maths paper, there was no one else who was going to stop me from doing well in that exam except from me so I might as well have a positive attitude to better my chances of doing well. That attitude really helped me to get through everything and overall, I'm really proud of how I did. I don't mind what the final results are. I think I will be happy with whatever I get because I know that I tried my best and your best in the moment of the exams, is all you are capable of doing. I've launched the arrow into the sky now, we'll just have to see what the outcome will be.
How has your week been? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!
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