Dance goals for 2022 - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

In my last blog post, I mentioned that in 2022 I wanted to start doing more of the things that I liked doing as although I had many great times in 2021, it was a year that was often characterised by school and trying to keep up with my IB diploma and this year I really want to break free from that and start to find myself. Now is the perfect time to start talking about this as in about 5 months time, I will be leaving school and I hope that when I leave, there will be a period of time where I will get to relax but also start trying to pursue some of the things that I enjoy doing. With regards to dance there are a few loose goals that I would like to set myself. The first is that I would like to extend my online dance classes out to a few more people. I'm currently teaching dance classes on Zoom to a young girl in the area to help me fundraise for my trip to Tanzania this summer and it's going great but I hope that when I will have the time to work on this, I will be able to get a few other students to join hopefully. The second goal of mine is that I would like to take at least one dance masterclass this year. For me, as I'm not really practicing dance at a studio anymore, I think it's down to me to start finding classes and workshops that will hopefully enhance my training that little bit more. Masterclasses I think will be a great way to gain some more experience and better my dancing and technique. Lastly, I would really like to perform somewhere cool or be a part of something amazing this year. This maybe my most difficult challenge for dance this year since I still don't know what I would like to get involved in exactly. However, I just know that last year I was so deprived of performance opportunities because of Covid-19, I would really like to try and perform in something cool this year so we will just have to see what happens. I don't know if I will be able to meet all these goals this year but I hope to at least use these goals to give me a sense of direction and purpose. The end result doesn't really matter too much to me, as long as I have something to work towards, I hope that this will help me to get some sort of meaning in my life.

Do you have goals for 2022? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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