October favourites

Hi guys,

Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be showing you my October favourites. Before we get onto the blog post, If your a frequent user here than please follow me in the sidebar of my homepage it would mean a lot. If your not a frequent user, than please press the subscribe button on my homepage to get e-mail notifications.Today's shout out goes to Family Fizz on Youtube. I really enjoy their videos they're so genuine so please subscribe to them. Now let's get onto the blog post.

  • My first favourite is this Argan oil hand and nail cream. This is really good to use when your hands get dry and it also strengthens your nails too!

  • My next favourite is this bear. If you don't know me then you have to know that I have got a lot of bears! Each of them have different purposes and this one is really cuddly! As my dad says, if in doubt hug a bear!

  • My next favourite is this notebook I got from Wilkinsons. This is really good for revision. Let me know if you want me to show you some revision techniques!

  • I have started this book towards the end of the month but I'm loving it soo far! It's called Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry.

  • The last thing is this brand of bath bombs. I can't remember the brand but if you find this type of bath bomb somewhere in the UK then hit me up! They're amazing!

I hope you've enjoyed this blog post,
Please share it with your friends.

Comment down below what your October favourites are.

See you next time,


Follow me on my instagram📷- https://www.instagram.com/jujupage1/


  1. I like all your favorites! A teddy bear is always good, I've tried Argan hand cream and liked it.
    I can't find your follow button!

    1. There are three little lines on the left hand side of my home page. Click on it and scroll down to find my follow button. Thanks for the comment btw.

  2. Hello and thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. You sound like a delightful young person who will go far in life.
    I also collect Teddy bears ( at this point I have more than 50)
    Feel free to visit any time and I'll pop by from time to time as well.

    1. Hi, thankyou for the lovely comment! At the moment, I have at least 35 bears! I have toned down the past few months though.

  3. I am your newest follower! And I see we are both friends with Sweet Phoebe!

    1. Thankyou for following me and for the lovely comen5.


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