How we've coped with my mum being away - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

As I'd mentioned before, a few weeks ago now, my mum went away to Réunion to spend a month with my grandad, my auntie, my uncle, and my cousins. As a result, me, Alice, and my dad have been looking after the house while she has been away and since my mum is expected to return this Saturday, I'm going to give you guys an update on how we coped without her being here. Overall, I think we did pretty well. When your mum isn't around, you certainly appreciate all the things that she does around the house to keep the place ship shape. During our month alone, me and Alice have been washing the clothes and hanging them up to dry or putting them in the tumble dryer. We've also shared the job of vacuuming the house and cleaning the bathrooms. During the first two weeks without my mum being here, it was a little bit challenging to keep on top of everything because I had my mock exams and I was focusing more on revision than anything else. But thankfully, Alice was willing to help out there and I think that was a good experience overall because it just showed how much time my mum would probably have to spend keeping the house tidy, on top of doing her job. With regards to my dad, he has been doing most of the cooking as he really wanted to broaden his skill set. My mum gave him some instructions on how to make the bread out of the sourdough starter and he is still trying to perfect that but that's a fairly difficult skill to master. However, he has cooked us some good, healthy, tasty meals and there have been no takeaways. On Friday, my friends Maia and Teresa came to stay for a sleepover and he made a roast dinner, as well as a delicious vegetarian option for Maia, which they both loved eating. I appreciate that my mum is the queen of cooking in the house but I think my dad has proven that he can take on the cooking role as well. We seem to have accrued a pretty decent system and although it feels at times that there is a void there without my mum, we have had fun watching films in the evening and experiencing all these new things. There were times when my dad had taken on too much and we had to remind him that we were capable of helping out with the cooking as well. However, I think we coped with the demands in our own way and we look forward to my mum's return on Saturday.

What are your least favourite chores to do? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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