Something for young adults - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Recently, I read an interesting article on Dance Plug, the online dance studio and service that I'm currently subscribed to, where this company owner wrote about how she managed to build her own dance company out of the people from her local community. She said that her company started off with a group of her friends getting together every week to come up with choreography and soon it grew into a professional contemporary dance company that toured the country and brought together dancers from different walks of life. I thought this was interesting because I think for a long time I've been searching for someone to point out the lack of classes that there are available for young adults between the ages of around 18 and 25. For me, I will be turning 18 in July and recently I have been trying to find dance lessons for people that are around my age but there were very few that really hooked me. Hence why my parents turned me to something like Dance Plug because it was fun and something that I could conveniently fit into my schedule. My older sister Alice who is 19, also struggled to find some dance classes for people her age when it came time for her to leave our old dance studio that we used to go to, so she ended up stopping dance altogether. I don't think dance was something that she wanted to continue professionally but she had expressed to me before how she thought it would have been nice to have a class for young adults available to her. Now I'm still not sure what I want to do when I leave school at the end of May but reading this article has really inspired me to think about the bigger picture and what is missing in the dance industry now and our local community in general. To me, I think it's something like a dance company for young adults where dancers collaborate to create different pieces of choreography. The company is professional enough that it brings out the best in everyone and motivates members to join in, but is also recreational enough that it becomes inclusive and fits around people's busy work or school schedules. I think if something like this was created, it would really benefit a lot of people, especially since dance has the ability to bring out the best in those who either have or have not practised it before. There are plenty of classes for young children and now it's even becoming the fashion to have classes for the elderly. But I think there are also plenty of people who are stuck in the middle of the age categories and don't have anything for them. In an age where you can bring a group of like minded people together by digital means, someone has to start dance classes for young adults.

Do you think there should be dance classes for young adults? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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