Movie review: I am Sam - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Recently, I rewatched one of my favourite movies called I am Sam. It stars the actors Sean Penn (as Sam Dawson), Dakota Fanning (as Lucy Dawson), and Michelle Pfeiffer (as Rita Harrison). I began watching this when I was quite young, around the age of 7 years old. I realise now that that was probably too young because the film was actually rated a 12 but I can't exactly remember my parent's reasoning for allowing me and my sister to watch the film. However, I did know that the storyline was very moving. The basic synopsis of the film is that Sam Dawson, an autistic man working on a small wage at Starbucks, has a child called Lucy with a homeless woman. After Lucy is born, the mother abandons her daughter and leaves Sam to take care of her. Although this seems to be okay at first, with Lucy growing up fast, Sam with the IQ of a 7 year old, can't help Lucy with her school work in the way other parents can. The school becomes concerned that Lucy is behind on her education and decides to have her fostered, and Sam tries to fight in court to have Lucy under his care again. I highly doubt that I understood everything the first time that I watched it but it was fun to look back on it later on. What I liked the most about this film was that they blended the Beatles soundtracks into the storyline of the film, the most obvious being Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, to take us through the history of Lucy growing up. It makes you more empathetic towards Sam's situation and it also added a light-hearted element to film that took a nice edge off the gravity of the situation. It was a brilliant performance from Sean Penn and I also really loved the performance of his friends in the film who also had learning difficulties because they were so incredibly supportive of Sam. This helped establish the main themes of the film which are sincerity and love despite differences, which is what made the film so moving. Some movie critics might say that some of the elements of the film weren't realistic enough but I found that if I didn't focus so much on that, I could enjoy the film for what it was. It is a brilliant film that I would highly recommend anyone to watch if you haven't already.

Movieclips Classic Trailers

Have you watched I am Sam before? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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XOX, Juliette 

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  1. I have never seen this film, but now I am going to look it up and see if I can find it to watch it. Thanks for the great review.

    1. Yes, it's been out for a while and it is American so I would recommend watching it. It is really good! :)


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