Split tutorial

Hi guys,

Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to show you how to do your front splits.
These stretches should also be attempted on the other leg to get both splits.
If you like this blog post then maybe I will do a post on how to get your middle splits. The next blog post will be how to improve back flexibility so please do check that out when it comes. I also posted a picture on my instagram @jujupage1 of a picture of me doing every single stretch. If you want to get your front splits than here are the steps you need to take you should hold them for at least 30 seconds:

  • This first stretch is almost like you are doing your splits but except you are keeping your front leg bent. Be sure to keep your hips square or facing forwards as it will really help when it comes to actually doing your splits.

  • Next you want to get into a simple lunge remembering to keep your hips square.

  • Then in the same lunge position, grab your leg behind you and pull it as close to your thigh as possible and use your free hand to support yourself.
  • Then keep your back leg bent on the ground and your front leg straight. Sit back and lean forward trying to touch your toes.

  • Then you want to do a deep lunge forward but keep your back leg on the ground. Repeat this step and the previous step inching forward each time until you cannot lunge anymore and attempt your splits. 

  • Here is what your splits should look like. They may not be like this at first but with practice, you will get there.

Did this tutorial help? Comment down below letting me know.

See you guys next time,




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