Look back on 2017!

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

I would just like to say a massive thank you to my audience. You have been a great support throughout the year. When I started blogging, I didn't even think anyone would read my posts. It's a nice feeling to know that you have an audience which loves your posts. Anyway, enough of me rambling, let's get on to the blog post.
  • I guess, the first thing which I loved about 2017 was starting my blog. My mum recommended it to me for ages and then one day, when we went on a little holiday to Norfolk, I started my blog. My first post was called Norfolk dreams which was about what I had for dinner one night! It was a big hit for me at the time and I couldn't be more happy!

  • This wasn't exactly something I loved but the next thing which definitely plays a stark reminder in 2017 was starting jazz dancing. I did unfortunately stop because the people at the studio weren't exactly the nicest (as I explained in my blog post I quit dance-http://jujupage1sblog.blogspot.co.uk/2017/09/the-weekly-blog-post-i-quit-dance.html) but I was definitely happy that I tried something new.
  • The next thing I loved about 2017 was visiting my family in Réunion. I did loads of blog posts of my holiday in Réunion. Since they live far away, I don't always get to see them. So it was really nice to spend a month with them.

  • I think that after all the hassle of that other dance studio, it was finally nice to go to a studio where I could fit in. So that's my next fave. Doing hip hop again.

  • Lastly, I guess standing up to those mean girls at school was a real achievement for me. I learnt that if someone is annoying you that much, then it's best to show them that you have claws. 
What were your highlights of 2017? Leave a comment down below letting me know.

See you next time,


2nd blog-https://jujupage1sbookreviews.blogspot.co.uk (Helga's diary book review out now!)


  1. I applaud and admire you for standing up to those mean girls! Good for you!
    When you did that, you became a role model for other girls. Make no mistake, you made a difference! Now I’m going back to read all about it in your post link!

    1. Thank you so much. I didn't know that I was a role model for other girls.

  2. Good for you for standing up to those girls! It says a lot about you!
    My top things about 2017 was a great vacation with my hubby, spending time with my little granddaughters and a great promotion at work!

    1. Thank you. Sounds like you had a great 2017!


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