I'm going to Berlin tomorrow (thoughts, queries, worries, and things i'm excited about) - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

I mentioned this briefly before but tomorrow, I'll be going on a history trip with my school to Berlin, Germany. I am SUPER excited but also a little anxious on how I'm going to cope with the drive there. Since my school does not like taking planes for residential trips, I will be taking, I think a 20 hour bus drive to Berlin. I'm a deep sleeper so I hope I'll just be sleeping on the journey there the majority of the time but I know that sitting up-right for 20 hours is not fun. I mean I've never experienced it before but I've been on an 11 hour aeroplane journey to Réunion and I was aching throughout the entire thing. So I guess all I can say is, wish me luck? However, once we get there, I think we'll be visiting Brandenburg Gate,an early 1930s work camp, and Hitler's Bunker on the last day, which I'm super excited to visit because I'm a history geek like that. Lol. What is really annoying though is that I'm still doing school for a half day before the whole trip and I leave at lunch so I'm going to be even more tired and achy. + I'm finishing on an RE lesson. FUN! I'm sure it will be a fun trip anyway and it's good because I've got 2 weeks off school for Easter straight after the trip so at least I'll have time to relax. + I'll be hopefully spending the end of Easter on a boat in the Norfolk Broads with my family so I guess I can't really complain. I just hope I don't miss home too much and that I have an absolutely amazing time. I will be blogging my entire experience so please stay tuned over the next few days to see more!  

Have you ever been to Berlin? Let me know in the comments below and i'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

See you next time,



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  1. What an amazing trip! I would love to see Berlin. Well, I'd love to visit anywhere in Europe. I hope the trip isn't too taxing for you. I would not want to ride in a bus for 20 hours. You will probably have a few stops where you can get off and stretch your legs. Can't wait to read all about your trip.

    1. Thanks. Just arrived actually. I was lucky that I slept throughout the entire journey. We did have a few stops on the way there too!


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