March favourites 2019- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

March has been an amazing month so I'd thought that I would document what I've enjoyed throughout the month in a March favourites post. Enjoy!
  • The first thing I enjoyed for the month of March was my school dance trip to Manchester. I really enjoyed the city and I really liked working with the students from the school there since they were all nice and really good dancers. They won 4th place at a dance competition!
  • I also really enjoyed series 1 of The Race Across The World, which came out in late March on BBC Two. It's about these teams of pairs of ordinary people from London, who try and make it to a random destination in Singapore without using a plane and surviving on a tight budget. It was really fascinating to see how everyone grew from these naive foreigners to these people who were communicating with the locals in broken Chinese. The father and son, Darren and Alex, tried to fix their broken relationship by doing this race and for me they were the ones who grew the most because they were the most naive at first but then they both became really competitive throughout the competition and actually came ahead of everyone else for a long time. The finale came out earlier this month and the winners were really tight so I would definitely recommend watching it because it's still on catch up.
  • I also really enjoyed Professsor Noel Fitzpatrick's book, Becoming The Supervet which I've reviewed and talked a lot about on my book blog, The Book Hub, so you should definitely check that out if you haven't already. I was just really inspired by his story because against all the odds, he's managed to become a bionic vet and run a load of practices across the UK which is just amazing. I also really liked his newest series of The Supervet which is still on catch up on Channel 4. They actually show the operations and what goes on in his other practices which specialise in soft tissue surgery, which I think is really cool.
  • Lastly, this is more of a personal achievement, but I'm so happy that I've managed to secure a work experience placement at my old dance studio. I'm starting up in July for my last 2 weeks of school and I'm super excited. I will be blogging all about my experiences of being a dance teaching assistant and a general helper of a dance studio. It should be fun!
What are some of your March favourites? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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