Revision tips for GCSEs and mocks- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

Today, I thought it would be useful to publish a post of me giving you a few revision tips just because I know it's GCSE season for all of you in the UK and mocks are coming up for year 10s so hopefully this is helpful. I got my RE GCSE exam coming up in two weeks time and I've got my mock exams after that so these are just a few of my revision tips that I've picked up over time. Hope you enjoy!💜☺
  • The website I've been using to help me with revision is Seneca. Some schools have already signed up to this so all you need to do is sign in with your school e-mail and then you can get onto learning the courses that you're currently doing in class.  What I like to do is to get a notepad and write some notes on some key bits of information that you need to remember. The one down side to Seneca is that there is a lot of written information so you just need to pick out the things that are helpful to you. Seneca is also only helpful if you use it properly because it has these sections where you can slide bars of information until you get it write. The problem is that most don't actually read the information so you don't actually end up remembering anything. If you do use it properly however, and you do read everything, then you will remember so much more and that is why I personally find Seneca useful.
  • The second helpful revision tip is to invest in binders so that you have an organised and tidy place to keep all your notes in. All the notes that I got off Seneca, I usually place into my binder. I have a plastic sheet separating all my notes of each subject and I find that that really helps to keeps everything neat and tidy so that when I come back to look at them and test myself on them, I can see everything and it's all clear to me. You can also get a binder for each subject if you want but that tends to take up a lot of space.
  • I also think that it's really useful to invest in folders to carry your notes to different places. I like plastic folders because they're waterproof so your notes won't get damaged during transportation. I find this helpful because I can take a few notes with me to school and revise them during form time without damaging them.
  • If you're revising at home, I also think that it's useful to switch your phone off. Some people work best with background noise but I think that even so, if you're watching a YouTube video for example whilst doing revision, you end up concentrating more on one thing than the other so I would switch my phone off and go on it later. I take in more information then, especially when I have to read a lot, because I can actually concentrate on it properly.
  • One website that I think is really useful to use is BBC Bitesize because it's free and you don't have to subscribe to it. I like doing the revision sections on the subjects then testing myself on the test sections. Bitesize is also really good because you can get the app. All you need to do is create an account for free and then choose the subjects that you're studying and you've got a free revision source on your mobile which I think is great. Bitesize is also really good at breaking things down into small and not complicated notes so that it's easy for anyone to understand.
  • One other website I would recommend using is Quizlet because you can sign up to it for free and create your own flashcards online and print them out. You can also create flashcards and have them read out to you and you can test yourself online. Quizlet also has an app that you can use without WiFi so you can test yourself on the go using flashcards or the written tests that it also provides.
  • I would also recommend investing in revision guides because they are actually helpful with looking up information and they are another testing tool. They also have all the topics that you're learning about in class so it ensures that you're not revising the wrong thing.
  • I also think that it's really useful to create a revision timetable to ensure that you're revising everything that you need to revise in time and to ensure that you're also giving yourself enough time to rest because working too much is also not good for you either.
  • The two other websites I like using for revision are Moodle and GCSE Pod. I find Moodle really useful when it comes to revising history because you can test yourself on all the different parts that you've been learning about in class.Your school does need to sign up for you to use it but most schools have installed it into their system so if that is you, I would definitely recommend that you take advantage of it. GCSE Pod is also a really useful revision website because it provides podcasts that you can listen to at any time for those days when you don't want to write a lot or you're a bit tired and you just want to do a little bit of recall. I think that all you need to do is sign up using your school email and from there, you can get acccess to all the different podcasts from all your different subjects. The good thing about Moodle and GCSE Pod is that they also have an app version of their websites so you can also access them on your mobile for extra revision on the go.

Hope you found this post useful, I'll certainly be looking back on this to help myself. If you've got any more revision tips, please let me know in the comments below and i'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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