Going for a bike ride - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

As I'm sure many of you already know, me and my family have been going on many walks around the back of our house, our village, and quite recently because of the slight alleviation of lockdown, to another area in Cambridge as well. I've really liked going on walks as I've found that it was a great way to take in some fresh air and go somewhere that was not just my house. If I've been doing quite a lot of homeschooling during the day and I hadn't really had the time to do something more fun, I've always enjoyed going on walks and just sharing my thoughts with nature. Despite it being simple, it has been a big stress reliever. I've been walking a lot ever since I first heard the news about the lockdown and I've found that it makes me feel like I have some sort of freedom.

However, at the beginning of last week, I found another hobby that I've been really enjoying as well. Yes, I actually pulled out my dusty, second-hand bike from the bike shed and decided that it was a good time to go cycling. What I've really learnt to do more of during this lockdown process, is to be spontaneous and do what you've said you were going to do for a while but never had the the chance to. I actually got my bike a while back when I said I was d-e-f-i-n-i-e-l-y going to go cycling. We went to collect the 4 bikes for my dad, my mum, my sister, and me from a handyman, who sold bikes as a second job. I can probably say that aside from Monday when I went cycling, it was a bit of a waste because although I had occasionally used it in year 8 to quickly ride to school, I soon gave up on cycling again and just stuck to walking up until the end of year 11. However, I'm glad that I took the plunge again because it's really fun!

When me and my sister both got our bikes out for the first time in ages, we had to give them a bit of a clean. My dad said it's because we're girls and we like things to look pretty but I saw it as, I don't fancy having a daddy-long-legs making a home on my handle bar.😂 I had to knock out quite a few bugs with a stick before I doused the rusty metal with hot, soapy water. Then, we also had to pump up our flat tyres, which I kind of knew how to do already but my dad gave us a quick tutorial to show us how it was done. I probably could've done with oiling up my bicycle chain as well as I'm sure it would have made my cycling a lot smoother but I was so eager to get started again, I didn't really bother.

After sorting out our bikes, we put on our helmets and went cycling. I look ridiculous with a helmet because I've naturally got quite a big head and when I put a helmet on top, it just looks a lot bigger but I suppose that safety comes first!😂

For our first journey, we did a short ride around our village. We headed right to bottom of this lane by the fields as we've never really been down there before. It was quite nice as there was hardly anyone there and we also saw this really nice farmhouse in the distance. However, the lane ended and lead onto a path so we decided to make our way back. When we got home, we realised that the path lead to the next village where we could have then ridden by the side of the road and looped our way back around so we decided to leave that journey for our second bike ride.

On Wednesday, we did the same route again but we also went along the path. My dad got me a basket for the front of my bike like my sister's bike. However, since it didn't come with all the parts because it was quite cheap, my dad had to go through the effort of welding it all together and wrapping wires around the basket and the bike to ensure that it was secure. Although it seemed to be staying on fine, when we rode our bikes along the bumpy path, I could feel it coming loose. It wasn't much of an issue during the bike ride because we ended up not doing the full route because it was too hot outside. However, when we arrived back home, I realised that it had come undone again! 

The bike ride

Luckily my dad managed to fix it again because I really would like to use my bike to travel to sixth form in September. Since I'm not going to the same sixth form that my sister went to, I won't have that far to travel because my school will be a lot closer to my village. This means that I can easily cycle on occasion if I want to and I think that having a basket on my bike will make it easier to carry all my things.

I'm really happy that I got back into cycling again because I can see myself doing it a lot more in the future. I'm really excited to use my bike more for sixth form especially but whilst we're still in lockdown of a form, I would also like to make small trips out with my sister as well. My dad suggested taking a picnic to Histon, which is right next to where we live so I think that would be a fun thing to do as well. Stay tuned for that!

Do you like going on bike rides? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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