Clearing out my old school books - 1 Year To Get To College (Post 20) - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Recently, I've been doing the big clear out of year 11 and I got rid of many of my old school books. Since I'm doing IB  (a 6 subject course) instead of A-level next year, I thought it would be wise to keep my year 11 and some of my year 10 school and revision books like science and maths, just in case I forget any useful information and I need to return back to my notes that I made previously, even if I am just doing the basic versions of some of these subjects. If I decide later on in the year that I don't need them anymore, then I'll definitely get rid of them but I just thought that for the time being they should stay, especially since we don't know what the future may hold and the notes I made in year 11 might actually be useful in online learning and stuff. 

However, things were piling up and piling up and I just had to get rid of a few things to free up some space in my room. That space will of course be filled up with year 12 and 13 school books but at least I can enjoy a bit of minimalism and emptiness for the time being!😂 Let's see what I got rid of and how I've organised my room afterwards. 👉

I firstly started clearing out the two big boxes on one of my book shelves since it had year 7, 8, and 9 books in them! What had basically happened was that I got given these two massive Christmas boxes from hampers that my dad gifted to us over a couple of Christmases and once I was finished with them, I just chucked all my old school books in there and I kind of forgott about them over the years. Admittedly, we were told to keep some of our old school books since they apparently held useful information in them that we could use in year 11 but when year 11 came, most people just used their recent notes mostly so they didn't really get much use. I could of easily gotten rid of my RE book from year 10, once I had finished that GCSE that year but I couldn't really be bothered to do that at the time so it kind of just stayed in one of those boxes.😂 It's a good thing that I'm clearing everything else up now though because it meant that I could shuffle things around and re-organise everything which gave me a lot more room to work with so that was good!

After clearing that out, I left out my year 11 books just in case they would come in handy in the future and I went on to tackling my revision books. Since my sister lent me a couple sorting boxes of revision books for year 11, there were some that I didn't use because they weren't really applicable to the subjects I was doing. Consequently, the revision books that I didn't end up using throughout year 11, I just put in a pile to give to my mum so that she could sell it to people for free. I also put in some revision books that may not be useful for me in the future, into that pile as well. Although I'll be doing combined English in the future, I did get rid of some books like spelling and grammar, and GCSE English language and English literature, since they're now more for GCSE and not IB or A-level. I did actually miss out a few other revision books during my sorting so I decided to get rid of my business and French revision books since I'll be doing standard level Japanese instead. (Go me!😂) This meant that my sorting boxes were now empty and I could fill my two Christmas boxes with my remaining revision books.

Lastly, I originally thought that I was going to do a massive bonfire of all my old books but my dad just ended up putting them all in the back of the car and taking them to the skip since it was more quick and efficient. I would have loved to have the opportunity to just DeStRoY everything (lol) but it made a lot more sense to just do it this way since it was easier. I also quickly chucked some old year 7 books from my drawers into the skip pile as well, which meant that I had a lot more room in my desk drawers as well.

That was pretty much it! I organised all my year 11 and 10 school and revision books on the bottom level of my book shelf so that the rest of my room was empty. I also threw away some extra rubbish that I had in my room and now it all feels clean and fresh! It was a bit nostalgic to look back at my books. It is clear that I had many achievements and also many failures throughout secondary school. I suppose that awful self-portrait I did in year 8 can count as a failure. However, looking at all the books I have accumulated just proves that I did work hard and I did revise in year 11, even if it felt like I wasn't doing enough at the time. This was eye-opening and refreshing to see.💜

Have you cleared out your school books? What was your biggest achievement in school? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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