Embarrassing 12 year old me - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, As a lot of you probably already know, I've had this "blogging platform" for probably 4 years now which means that when I started, I was around 12 years old. Back when I started writing things at the age of 12, I honestly thought that what I was writing was actually good and now when I re-read things again (because I do a lot) I just think "oh my God, what was I thinking?!" I think probably one of the most embarrassing things for me to read is when I'm just channelling my anger into words on a page because I've just had an argument with my friends. Especially a year later, when I was in year 9, I just went through a phase of writing things under the general title of "how to cope with arguments." I never called anyone out but just to think of the things that were a big deal in my life back then, honestly makes me laugh. I also love the post I did on contemplating doing the Duke of Edinburgh...