
Showing posts from November, 2020

Embarrassing 12 year old me - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  As a lot of you probably already know, I've had this "blogging platform" for probably 4 years now which means that when I started, I was around 12 years old. Back when I started writing things at the age of 12, I honestly thought that what I was writing was actually good and now when I re-read things again (because I do a lot) I just think "oh my God, what was I thinking?!" I think probably one of the most embarrassing things for me to read is when I'm just channelling my anger into words on a page because I've just had an argument with my friends. Especially a year later, when I was in year 9, I just went through a phase of writing things under the general title of "how to cope with arguments." I never called anyone out but just to think of the things that were a big deal in my life back then, honestly makes me laugh. I also love the post I did on contemplating doing the Duke of Edinburgh...

Ranvir and Giovanni's dramatic Argentine tango and Jamie and Karen's cool street commercial routine - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  I think that there were so many amazing dances performed last Saturday on Strictly. I was really impressed by how much everyone had improved since the beginn ing and I think that we can really start to see who has advanced in their level of dance. Today, however, I'm going to be talking about Ranvir and Giovanni's first Argentine tango of the 2020 series as well as Jamie and Karen's amazing street commercial routine. I think that these two dancers have really improved from the beginning and I would love to highlight that today. I was really impressed by Ranvir's execution of the Argentine tango. It was really a superb effort. She kept her performance dramatic through her facial expressions and she really tried to remain as close to Giovanni as possible. I also really liked how still she remained in her lifts and I think that that really enhanced the execution. What I thought she could improve on for next time was k...

Can you make a 1 million dollar business in 90 days? - My Trip to Tanzania (Post 3) - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Recently, I've been watching this American TV show called Undercover Billionaire with my family, after my dad was recommended it by a friend. It's a series that brings in these rich and incredibly successful entrepreneurs and, going undercover, they have to make a business that is worth a million dollars under a set time frame. The first successful entrepreneur that they brought in was a guy called Glenn Stearns. Unfortunately, his business recently filed for bankruptcy which is a little bit awkward. 😂 However, before this, he owned the multi-million dollar business called Stearns Lending which was a private financial support company. They couldn't keep up with the 2017 change in exchange rates but up until that point, they were incredibly successful and Glenn was even able to sell 70% of this multimillion dollar business in 2015. What's probably even more amazing is that Glenn was not naturally gifted in school. H...

A little bit of a rant: Another bump in the road - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Last week started off great but ended on a bit of a downer. When has this not been a general pattern throughout 2020? 😂 I laugh and cry at the same time but on Wednesday, I definitely cried.  I got upset because that morning I went to school as usual and I had double history which was great but, as soon as I got into the studio for dance, I knew something wasn't right because there weren't as many students there as before. It was as though at least half of the studio was gone. We then proceeded to have a normal lesson anyway and most of us just continued as usual, even though it was weird because most of us were not there. Now, looking back on it, I think my teacher was just biding his time and was trying to keep us all calm but during the first part of the lesson, one of the girls in my class was getting tested for Covid-19. My teacher got us to do a meditation exercise to prepare us for our contemporary class, so we were...

Bill and Oti's classic street commercial routine and Caroline and Johannes's timeless waltz - Dance Saturday

H ello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  I have been considering over the past 2 weeks if I should continue with the Strictly reviews since I wasn't sure if Strictly was as good as it used to be this year. However, in a sudden twist of fate, I've decided to continue with the reviews because there are some really good dancers on the show this year that deserve to be recognised and I do want to acknowledge that. It's also supposed to be fun which is one thing that we've been lacking a lot this year so I didn't feel right with stopping the Strictly reviews. I thought it would be more enjoyable if I just continued it. 💜 For this week, I wanted to talk about Bill and Oti's street commercial couple's choice and Caroline and Johannes's waltz. For me, Bill and Caroline are really amazing dancers and I would like to highlight that today. Bill and Oti's street commercial routine was fun, energetic, and upbeat. I think that the music choice, Ra...

TOK Journal Entry 2: The ivory trade - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Today, I wanted to publish another one of my journal entries for TOK. I thought I would make this a fairly regular occurrence since this is something that I have to write every 2 weeks so I might as well share a couple with you. I won't share everything I do since it is all my own work and I would prefer it to stay that way but I figured that I might as well do this since it is kind of fun to post. Here I'm talking about the ivory trade and the unethical practices that go on in many countries across the world and Asia in particular. I talk about how we can change the knowledge and cultural understanding of the next generation of young people so that they consume less into this illegal industry. I hope you enjoy reading it and find it interesting.  - A topic that's always been of particular concern to me is the trade of elephant ivory, amongst other animal products that are considered valuable, to many people across dif...

This is what a broody hen looks like 😂 - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Over the past month or so, a certain little someone has grown a little bit moody. Cough, cough, cough, Roast!  We were initially quite worried about her because after making a couple ventures out into the garden, we soon realised that everyone was out of the pen except Roast. We looked in the egg box and saw her sitting fluffed up on the hay not willing to move a muscle and so we kind of concluded that she might just be an ill hen. The next day, my dad went through the strenuous effort of making her a little sick bay in the corner of the green house using some old boxes and he even made her a little nest of hay that she could use in the meantime. All in all, we thought it was best to isolate Roast, just in case she made the other chickens sick. However, although we've had Roast for around 8 months now, she still doesn't like us because she runs away every time we try to pick her up and she glares at us like a moody toddle...

The Nigerian school of dance and the boy who made it to New York City Ballet #worldballetday2020 - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  I wanted to write a post for this a lot sooner but I guess it's better late than never in this situation. In dedication to #worldballetday2020 that happened a couple weeks ago, I wanted to talk about the amazing Nigerian ballet school, Leap of Dance Academy. Never before have I been more humbled about a dance school than I have with  Leap of Dance Academy. They have overcome much adversity by showcasing the amazing and often, overlooked, indigenous ballet dancers of Nigeria and through this they have proven to many people on a global scale that, yes, Nigerian dancers can not only dance ballet well but also execute ballet steps with a professional level of precision and dance the style gracefully. I saw many of the students on video on the dance school's Instagram account and I must say that I was thoroughly impressed. All the students were working hard by practicing their technique at the barre and across their faces was ...

The story of Lance Armstrong - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  I know that this post is probably going to immediately frustrate some people just by even reading the title. However, I thought that it would be interesting to voice Lance's side of the huge scandal that he was involved in because I think that it broadcasts a much larger message than just that he was selfish and completely lost the dignity of his fans. It voices some of the crude truths that go on behind the scenes when athletes train and you soon realise then that the sportsmanship and the camaraderie that is supposedly what formulates events like the Tour de France and even the Olympics, is not what formulates them at all. Instead they have become epicentres for drugs related issues in sports and pretty much anything that questionably enhances the performance of athletes because unhealthy competition now overrides the value of representing the sport. So yes, Lance was a manipulator and is probably one of the biggest liars to...

Applying for a job and helping out - My Trip to Tanzania (Post 2) - Lifestyle Monday

He llo everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Today, I'm going to be continuing on with My Trip to Tanzania series by talking to you guys about my progress. Recently, I have created a CV so that I have got something at hand when I apply for jobs. I included my name, contact details, personal profile, education history, extra skills, work experience, and also a hobbies and interests section. The only bit of work experience I did was when I worked at my dance studio in year 10 so I also decided to include some of the things that I enjoy doing as well in order for the employer to find out a bit more about me. Here is what it looks like: "Juliette Page Personal blog: Contact details: Address:....... Postcode:......... Telephone number: 07592 042989 Email: Personal profile: I am an organised, motivated, and enthusiastic young person. I am able to listen well to instructions given and I always endeavour to work...
