A little bit of a rant: Another bump in the road - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

Last week started off great but ended on a bit of a downer. When has this not been a general pattern throughout 2020? 😂 I laugh and cry at the same time but on Wednesday, I definitely cried. 

I got upset because that morning I went to school as usual and I had double history which was great but, as soon as I got into the studio for dance, I knew something wasn't right because there weren't as many students there as before. It was as though at least half of the studio was gone. We then proceeded to have a normal lesson anyway and most of us just continued as usual, even though it was weird because most of us were not there. Now, looking back on it, I think my teacher was just biding his time and was trying to keep us all calm but during the first part of the lesson, one of the girls in my class was getting tested for Covid-19. My teacher got us to do a meditation exercise to prepare us for our contemporary class, so we were all lying down on the ground with our eyes closed. During the 5 minutes of meditation, I heard someone come into the room and when we were told to open our eyes, one of the members of staff from the student services was standing in front of us. She told us immediately that the person tested was positive and that because we were all in contact with her, we had to go home straight away and we were not allowed to come back until the 30th of November. I was really upset because I hadn't expected this to happen and the fact that she told us to just leave without much information was probably what made me even more sad. I didn't want to leave my friends again and I was completely frustrated at the situation.

I ended up crying pretty much as soon as I heard the news because I do find doing online school pretty annoying even if it is still a privilege to have. I don't get the same atmosphere as when I go to school in person and I see my friends. I think what I was most upset about was that at the time it was only the dance department and the performing arts part of the sixth form that were told to go home because that's where the cases sort of congregated around. I think that's because, from what I've noticed anyway, that people don't really respect the rules in that part of the school. Anyway, it was upsetting because I didn't really want to be the only one out of my peers not going to school. I kind of felt a bit alone for a while and I think that's why I cried. One of my international friends was also crying too because she wanted to go back to her country and suddenly things just got a bit complicated.

On the way home, I cried for a bit whilst I was cycling. It's not a huge deal in the world to have school cancelled because there are a lot worse things happening to people right now but I was still upset because we already had a school closure just before October half term and now it's not even the end of November and part of the school is already closed.

When I got home on Thursday, my parents were a bit shocked to see me back so early but I explained the situation and then my dad made me a cup of tea which always seems to fix everything.😂 I guess I'm just frustrated that I can't even start anything this year because it all has to be stopped due to Covid-19 and I'm just so over it right now. I had to reschedule my job interview at Project 21 because even though they liked my application and they offered me the opportunity to see them in action, I had to tell them that it wasn't quite possible to do this Saturday but of course they were super understanding, taking into consideration the circumstances.

I had to catch up with my last 2 lessons at the end of the day but come evening, I got a message on Microsoft Teams from my school saying that the whole of year 12, 13, and 14 now had to stay at home. I was annoyed but then also slightly relieved that I also wouldn't have to do online school alone. They extended the time to stay out of college though so we now have to stay at home until the 7th of December. Weirdly, we are allowed to go outside, we just can't go into school. I guess I didn't have to reschedule my interview after all but I'm too confused right now to rush myself up about it.

I guess I'll just have to deal with it and take each day as it comes. There's no point getting too upset about it as there's not much to be done. 

Thank you for making it this far in my rant. I really appreciate it!😂💜

Have schools closed down in your area? How are you feeling about the lockdown? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. I would ♡ to hear from you!

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See you you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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  1. I am sorry you are having to quarantine, but I do understand it. This is a very difficult time for everyone. Our Thanksgiving holiday will be completely different from any I have ever experienced. We are just having the two of us for a very limited celebration, but I am hopeful that by isolating this year, we will possibly be through the worst of the covid situation.
    Keep your chin up and try to smile!

    1. So true. If we play by the rules now, we can hopefully enjoy better years in the future. Thanks for reminding me of this. I hope that your Thanksgiving holiday goes well, despite the situation. 😊❤️


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