Embarrassing 12 year old me - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

As a lot of you probably already know, I've had this "blogging platform" for probably 4 years now which means that when I started, I was around 12 years old. Back when I started writing things at the age of 12, I honestly thought that what I was writing was actually good and now when I re-read things again (because I do a lot) I just think "oh my God, what was I thinking?!" I think probably one of the most embarrassing things for me to read is when I'm just channelling my anger into words on a page because I've just had an argument with my friends. Especially a year later, when I was in year 9, I just went through a phase of writing things under the general title of "how to cope with arguments." I never called anyone out but just to think of the things that were a big deal in my life back then, honestly makes me laugh. I also love the post I did on contemplating doing the Duke of Edinburgh because, yeah, I didn't actually end up doing that. It's so embarrassing reading that post because 1) I look at my writing style and I immediately hate it and 2) just to look back on all the empty promises that I made myself is laughable. I don't want this to sound like I hate myself because that's definitely not the case at all, I'm just enjoying laughing at my own ignorance. Honestly, I'm surprised that some people actually enjoyed reading my cringe-worthy material because whilst I give myself credit for my occasional flashes of brilliance, I realise now that my writing has changed a lot. The number of spelling mistakes that I've had to correct in the past in comparison to now just baffles me. I think my ability to link my overall ideas in my writing has also improved and I think that that's what makes my writing a lot more succinct instead of direct and choppy like it used to be. But I think that's the beauty of having a blog like this because you guys have grown up with me and you've seen the changes and you see how I continue to change. I don't write and share my life on the internet because I want to show the professional side of my life. I write and share my life to show something real that isn't really seen anywhere else. So whilst it is more than a little embarrassing to reread my posts and see my cringy photos to go alongside my cringy writing, I think it's healthy to see my progression through life and to see my progression even now. I'm glad I've changed because I've changed for the better. It's just funny to see the person I once was to the person I am now.

Super cringy photos of younger me! 😂❤️

Have you read my posts from when I was 12? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

Tap one of the reaction boxes below to let me know what you thought of this post. It would really help me to make some improvements in the future! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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  1. I think we all change as we go through life. No matter how old we are our life experiences shape the person we are today. I look back on my blog that I began 10 years ago and don't even recognize the person I was then. I have not read your blog from the beginning. Perhaps I will go back and read a few of the early posts.

    1. Yes, please do! A lot has changed for me since then but it's nice to look back at my life because it's refreshing to see the person that I've become. 😊❤️


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