Working as an assistant dance teacher over the Easter - My Trip to Tanzania (Post 12) - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

If you follow me on my Instagram account (@jujupage1), you will know that this past week, I've been working as an assistant dance teacher for the Inspirations School of Performing Arts right here in Cambridge. Last week, I revealed that I was feeling a little bit disheartened at the fact that I didn't have half as many children joining my online street dance class, as I did during the February half term holiday. Although I was never going to give up on this virtual street dance class, I was still really happy to get an email last Saturday afternoon from Inspirations, asking me if I wanted to assist one of the teachers in the acro outdoor dance classes that were happening the following week. Well I guess, some things just happen for a reason. I had actually consulted the dance school a couple months before about potentially doing some dance teacher training alongside them, after seeing an advert on Facebook that they posted. However, I had to decline the invitation to join as many of their classes were on Saturday mornings when I have the Project 21 musical theatre sessions. Plus, I'm always bogged down with school work so it just clearly was not the right time. However, I was obviously still on their mailing list so when they needed the extra help, I guess I was one of the people that they turned to. They agreed to pay me £10 for 2 hours and I worked from Monday to Thursday during the mornings. It wasn't a lot but £40 here and £40 there with added work experience is still something.

Overall, the classes were a lot of fun. They were outside because although by Monday we were officially allowed to meet as a group, it was still not permitted to do it inside so I guess the school had to adapt. On Monday and Thursday, I was freezing cold because on those two days, it was rather cloudy and windy in the mornings and, as per usual, I wasn't wearing the right gear at all so I had to do quite a bit of jogging around in order to warm myself up. Thankfully on Tuesday and Wednesday, it was quite sunny so I wasn't bothered by the cold. I worked alongside my qualified dance teacher, Miss Emma, and she got me to demonstrate a few acro moves, help the kids with their cartwheels, take them through some stretches, and teach them a street dance routine. Prior to this experience, I had only taught one acro class before and that was during my year 10 work experience when I was teaching at my old dance studio. Although I was perhaps a little rusty on my forwards and backwards rolls, as well as my handstands, I had thankfully taught myself quite a few acro moves in the past to be of good help to the students. Miss Emma often put me in charge of the little ones in the group whilst she worked with the older ones on more advanced tricks and dance routines. It was a lot of fun but it did mean that I had to deal with all the meltdowns and the little terror ways who didn't want to join in. 😂💜 I decided to teach the little ones the Head x Heart routine that I choreographed for my half term street dance class because it was the routine that I knew the best off the top of my head. Although I adapted a few things in the routine to make it simpler, not all the kids got it but I could tell that they were all trying their best and enjoying the routine regardless, so I guess that's all that really matters.

Inspirations asked me if I could do the Friday class with a different teacher and some of the classes next week but I respectfully declined because I need a bit of a break from having to go into work every morning and I've still got my street dance classes that are happening next week, so I'm rather busy. However, I did explain to them my situation with fundraising for Tanzania and I did say that if they had anymore classes going on in future holidays, I would be more than happy to help for a bit of money here and there. Miss Emma and I got along really well and she was adamant on sending me the information for the dance teacher training so I said yes. I'm not going to take it on at the moment because that would just be way too much on my plate but for distant future reference on how these training courses work, I suppose it is useful information to have.

Next week I will update you on how my virtual street dance class went with one of the girls who joined in February. It should be a lot of fun and I should have a lot to talk about.

In the meantime, I'm going to have a cup of tea and eat some Mini Eggs! 🐰🥚

Have you ever taught dance before? Have you ever done acrobatics or gymnastics? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

P.S. If you would like to support my sponsored walk to help me fundraise for Tanzania, please do not hesitate to click the link below to my Just Giving fundraising page where you can read more about it. I would be grateful for all your donations! 💜

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