Watching England vs Italy - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Last Sunday, I watched the England vs Italy Euro 2020 final at the pub with my family. Although, I am by no means a football fan or an expert at football. Everytime someone even brings up the word football, I get very vivid flashbacks to those awful secondary school PE classes, where I had to play football with a bunch of boys who did not want me to be there. I think being on the sidelines of most of the games I played in the past, says a lot about my talent. 😂😂 However, this was the first time since the 1960s, that England was in a major final of a football match and actually had a chance of winning. As a result, when my mum found out on Instagram that there were two more tables left for the football match at the pub, we practically jumped at the chance of being there.

When we arrived at the pub, everyone was panicking and at first, I didn't understand why. Then I realised that the pub manager was rushing around because his Freeview box wasn't working for the TV so at that time, it didn't look like there was going to be any football! Everyone who was a football fan in that pub was livid! Thankfully, however, my dad (who absolutely despises football) kindly lent the manager our Freeview box and tadahh, the match was back on!

After that brief dramatic episode, me and my family sat down at our designated table that was directly in front of the TV. Lucky us! We sat down just as they were introducing the players from the England and Italy teams and the whole thing looked like we were about to enter some sort of Fifa game on the X Box. 🤣 We sat there completely bewildered by how strange and new this whole experience felt. Meanwhile, the only two players I could remember were Kane and Sterling. 😂 We were jokingly laughing at how seriously all the football players were taking this "...if we win this, I simply cannot imagine how proud my family is going to feel."😂😂💜 

Although ordering the food was quite difficult because everyone was so busy, we were eventually able to get the four burgers that we had ordered and they looked delicious. Then before we knew it, the players entered the field and the game started.

I think I will remember for the rest of my life, the reaction of all the football fans, when 2 minutes into the game, England was the one who scored the first goal. For the first 2 minutes, the room was completely silent and then all of a sudden, I nearly jumped out of my skin when a group of men in the neighbouring room stood up, cheering and beating their chest shouting, "Yess, get in!" If you want to see the same reaction from the rest of the country, feel free to watch this video for your entertainment. 😂💜

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Unfortunately, in the end, England obviously didn't win but it was certainly a good match to watch. Things got a little bit intense at times but I was really happy with how the England team was able to hold their own. The Italian team was certainly playing on the cutting edge of the rules, so the fact that the England team attempted to win fairly, I think is very admirable. It's a shame that some people have to spoil this by hurling abuse at some of the black England players, when they did so well trying to bring it home for England. I think that all of the players should give themselves a big pat on the back for not backing out of the challenge. I have faith that with such a talented team, England will be able to go far in the World Cup next year.

Did you watch England vs Italy? Are you a fan of football? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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