My blogmas plans!

Hi guys,

Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to be talking about my blogmas plans. Before I get on to the blog post, make sure you hit that follow button to get all the latest. Today's shout out goes to Jo and Britt on YouTube. There videos literally make me crack up; they're so funny and entertaining so please do check them out and let them know that I sent you. Now, let's get on to the blog postπŸ‘‰
So yeah as you may have noticed, I will be doing blogmas! However, I need your help. I'm not exactly sure when I will be posting, I was thinking every weekend up until Christmas day. However if you would like me to do every day or something else, then please let me know in the comments below. Here are some of my posting ideas:

  • November favourites
  • My winter pamper routine/night time routine
  • Christmas history
  • A wintery day out
  • Winter clothing haul
  • Christmas recipes
  • Christmas crafts
  • Christmas room tour
Obviously I will need more suggestions so if you have any, please comment on this blog post or one of my instagram pictures using the hashtag #jujupage1schristmas. The best suggestions will be chosen and placed into one of my posts. So please comment now!
If you have any further suggestions then please leave them in the comments below. Let me know if you like the emojis or not.

See you next time,


Follow me on my instagramπŸ“·-


  1. What about a post about your Christmas traditions or your favorite things about Christmas? As in foods, movies, songs, and such?

  2. Yes that's a good idea! Thanks Linda!


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