What I got for my 14th birthday!

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

On Wednesday the 4th of July, I turned 14! Although it was a red,white, and blue celebration day, it was also a day to celebrate my birthday! I am so pleased to have gotten this many presents on my birthday because I know for some, that is just not possible. Thank you to my friends and family for the presents, I am eternally grateful.  :)

One of my favourite presents this year was an Instax Polaroid camera! I think my parents decided to get one for me because my friend took a picture of me and her at a party and I really liked the effect. I've already started to take pictures using it.

Next I got some teal blue sliders to wear around the house.

Then I got a really nice two wick candle. I was a bit worried that the candle might smell like one of those really posh toilets since it was lavender scented! Lol. However it actually smelt really nice and I'm excited to burn it.

I know my dad got this present because he has a special place that he goes to to by bath bombs for us. These are macaroon bath bombs that have quite a floral scent. I think my dad chose the nice box too.

Next I got these shorts with really nice sequin detailing down the side which I think really suits my completion!

I also got a pink sparkly flamingo top which I love because I love animals.

I also got another pair of shorts. These ones are high-rise and have got buttons down the front.

Then I got a flowy v-knocked tank top with a chequer board pattern and nice sewn on flowers. This went really nice with the high-rise shorts.

Since I was in desperate need, I also got two pairs of leggings.

I got two books. I've started to read "A dancer in war time" and it seems very good.

I also got a Toblerone,some Lindor chocolates, and some Thorntons chocolates.

I also got a pair of sunglasses which will come in handy for the holidays.

From my grandmother, I got generously given £20 and Cadburys chocolate for me to share with my sister Alice.

I also got given a photos of me from when I was younger.

I also got a present from my friend Emma. She nicely wrapped everything in a gift bag with polka dot tissue paper. I got chocolate buttons and strawberry laces which I managed to eat all.

I also liked the card she made me!!

Here's some of my family's cards.

Do you prefer home-made cards or shop cards? Let me know in the comments below and I will be sure to reply to them.

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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  1. Happy birthday! You made out really well. I love everything you got. Those books look good. It really doesn't matter to me if the cards are made or bought. It is the thought behind them.

    1. Thank you.Yes, so true. As long as you know that someone has put thought behind a card, it doesn't matter if it is shop bought or handmade.

  2. Anonymous13/6/19 15:53

    Is'the friend that took the picture at the party, is me, Elsa ?

  3. Anonymous13/6/19 22:12

    *me, elsa


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