Dance diary entry #2-Dance Saturday

Dance diary 18/10/18 
We began class with our standard warm up which I went into more detail in my jazz strides entry.  Our focus for the lesson were jazz turns.  We did our preparations first with no practice and we found that there were things we needed to work on.  Firstly, we needed to make sure that we were not turning out like we do in ballet when we stepped out to the side in jazz second. We had to keep our hips in the same position just moving our left leg out to the side.  Secondly, when we stepped to the back with our left foot behind and our right foot forward, we had to make sure to bend both legs.  Keeping our right leg bent, we lifted our left toe up to our right knee and with our arms in a slight circle in front of us, we had to pull up in our back.  We tended to lean forward whilst doing our turns which wasn’t correct, we had to keep low but still pull up in our back. After some practice, we did the preparations for the turns again and improved from our first try. However, we needed to make sure that we made our arms sharper by using stronger dynamics. Sharp dynamics is part of the unique features in the jazz style. Our arms are not as softly placed like in ballet there has got to be an accent and a rhythm. We attempted our jazz preparations using sharper arms and this time, we added a single turn on the end. I struggled to stop turning so I think I just need to work on the amount of power I put into each turn.  I need to use less power to achieve a single turn.

What do you struggle with in dance? Let me know in the comments below and I will be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you tomorrow for a remembrance day special,


XOX, Juliette

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  1. You sound like you are an amazing dancer! Yes, girl!


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