Dance diary entry #4- Dance Saturday

Dance diary 21/1/19 

Key themes: Jazz stretches and battements 

We started off the warm up with a small jog around the room to increase our heart rate and get us warm for the exercises ahead. After, we did our sequence of 4 skips and jumps which I went into more detail in my previous entries. Then we went on the floor and got into frog position. After, we got into pike position and leaned over. I really like this stretch because it really helps me stretch out my hamstrings. Then we went to second position (splits) and leaned over each side. We had to make sure that when we leaned over, we weren’t leaving any gaps on our opposite leg. This is because we wanted to really increase the stretch. I found this quite easy. Then we did battements lying on our back and on our fronts, which I went into more detail on my battements entry. However, I did find that when I was doing the battements, I was kicking slightly to the side instead of straight up. To finish the warm up, we sat back into a shoulder stretch.  

I was able to stretch over in my middle splits without leaving any gaps on the opposite leg. 

I was kicking slightly to the side instead of straight up in my battements. 

Targets for next lesson: 
I need to kick straight up instead of to the side when I'm doing the battements, to ensure that I'm doing the exercise correctly. 

What do you like most about dance? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

Link to my dance logbook video hear:
My BTEC dance logbook so far

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