Why talk about the War in Vietnam? - *New series* - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

If you follow me on Instagram, @jujupage1, you will know that I've recently announced a new series. On my feed and story, I posed the question "Was the Vietnam War right for America to go through?" I've been wanting to do this blog series because living in the time where Donald Trump is president of the United States, people are beginning to put blame on a lot of things in America. For example, the abortion laws that were made in Alabama that were made by people who were pro-life. This means that due to religious reasons, people are no longer allowed to get an abortion. This has stirred up a lot of hatred against America and people like Donald Trump because it seems as though they let this happen. 

One other major thing that has blown up in the media is the wall that Trump is building to stop Mexicans from moving to the US. This again has stirred up a lot of hatred not only there, but in Britain too. I hear it all over the place and whilst I can understand why people are annoyed, I do think that the media exaggerates some of the stories to make viral international propaganda that makes us worry for our future. It also affects how we think about the past too. 

If we look at the war in Vietnam, a lot of American soldiers who came back after fighting the Viet Cong, were named baby killers because somehow it was their fault for initiating mustard gas on innocent civilians in villages. Coupled with our underlying disgust of America today, historians and ordinary civilians can look back on such events with disgust too. This is why I wanted to make this series because if we move away from the mirage of retrospect, we can see that perhaps soldiers didn't want to fight. At one point conscription was introduced and I will talk about that later. We may also find out that perhaps America is not what it seems. Whilst there is a rise of high school shootings, perhaps America is actually safer than it seems. Also, we may learn that other countries have it a lot worse than America. Is it right for us to judge the US when popular China still has the secret death penalty? Hopefully, after reading a few of my articles, you'll branch out of your perspective and start seeing America in a new light or you may develop a stronger counter argument to your opinion. 

Next week on Wednesday, we'll be going back to where it all began. At the heart of the Cold War, a quarrel between capitalist west and communist east was unfolding and fuelling unwanted anger.

Is Trump's wall exaggerated or true?

Kids Who Cross Trump's Border Wall Everyday To Go To School - CBBC

Is it right for us to judge America when worse things occur in other countries?

I Survived North Korea - SoulPancake
China's Hidden Camps - BBC
My Escape From North Korea, Hyeonseo Lee - TED

What are your first opinions on the war in Vietnam? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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