Going to Felixstowe for the day - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

On Thursday, me and my family went to Felixstowe to hopefully spend some time at the beach. We were not sure what it was going to be like because there were loads of photos on the news of the beaches being completely packed with people, with absolutely no social distancing what so ever. However, it was a sunny day and we were desperate to go somewhere different so we took the risk, packed our things (towels, water bottles, and a picnic) and drove the hour long journey to the beach.

It was somewhat nostalgic to see the beach again. Everyone seems to complain about how bad and unattractive Felixstowe is because it's a sea port but once you see what it's truly like for yourself, you realise that the beaches are beautiful and hardly touched by any people. To our benefit, the fact that there were very few people on the beach meant that it was easy to maintain our distance from others. However, we'd just realised how naive we were as soon as we'd stepped out of the car because we didn't bring any jackets and it was obviously a lot cooler by the sea. I think that this was because we'd spent so long inside the house and when we finally went somewhere different, we were not used to the different climate!😂

When we found a spot to sit by some of the large rocks on the beach, me, my mum, and my sister decided that it would be a good idea to wrap ourselves up with our towels to keep ourselves warm. We had brought our swimming costumes with us, stupidly thinking that it might have actually been warm enough to sit in the sea. However, all three of us just ended up sitting there, jittering our teeth because we were so cold. Even my dad, who could probably swim quite comfortably in freezing cold water, only dipped his feet in the sea.😂

Despite this, we did enjoy the sea view and it was nice to hear the rushing waves of the ocean. There's something therapeutic about watching the sea and it was a pleasure to see this amazing view again. 

Next, we decided to go more inland to buy some fish by the marina. My mum heard about this popular fish shack on Facebook that we could go and get some fresh fish from. You could tell that it was absolutely amazing because my mum spent ages selecting all the different types of fish. It was still quite breezy though so me and my sister decided to go back to the car to get our towels, whilst our parents were waiting for the fish. We also went to have a look at the sea. It was really pretty as you could sea the beach and the forests on the other side of the marina.

The marina

Once one of the members of staff had come back with the massive box of fish, we headed back to the car to find a place to have our picnic. My dad also bought some whelks to eat as well. I tried one, not realising that it was a sea snail and I actually found it quite nice. Since my mum is French, she tried them before and said she didn't like them so I'd never really eaten them before. However, once I tried it, I didn't think that the taste was entirely bad.😂I would definitely eat them again. 

We continued to drive further in land to a nice park by a church. We intended on eating lunch in a spot by the beach but we found this nice, sunny green space and decided to have our picnic there. 

We ate salami, cheese (camembert to be precise 😂), and cucumber sandwiches and it was delicious. We also ate leftover taboulet that my mum made, barbequed pork and a packet of crisps. Since my sister doesn't like crisps too much, when there was still some barbequed pork leftover, she ate that instead. However, I don't eat crisps everyday so I quite enjoyed the basic luxury of eating a packet of cheese and onion crisps.

I decided to take a photo of the massive tree that we were sitting next to. It was nice to see a tree allowed to grow so freely and big. It was beautiful!

The big tree

After lunch, we all decided to take a walk around the church. Every time we walk by a church, we always have to see if we can find the oldest gravestone possible. We found a lot dating back to the first world war but we reckoned that the most eroded gravestones would be the oldest.

Once we'd finished walking around the church for a bit, we decided to head back home. It wasn't a very long day and we managed to arrive back home at 2:15pm, but it was again nice to see another different setting. We also arrived before we really needed to go to the toilet so we managed to avoid the unhygienic public toilets as well so I guess that was a plus! 😂

I hope you enjoyed this post even though it wasn't incredibly interesting!

Do you like going to the beach? Do you live near the beach? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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