Secondary school awards ceremony 2020 - Blogmas day 5 - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

On Wednesday, I had my secondary school awards ceremony online because these are the times that we live in! If you don't know what a secondary school awards ceremony is, it's basically a massive assembly where all the year 12s are expected to return to their schools in order to see if they got an award for any good work that they did during year 11. I was expecting to physically go this year but that had to be cancelled, unfortunately, because of Covid-19.

However, what I thought was really quite nice was that the teachers still put together an hour long video in order to still have the awards ceremony. When I was going into college on Wednesday, most of my old friends had already watched the video and one of my friends from secondary, who goes to the same sixth form as me, said I won an award. Consequently, when I got home, I checked the video to see what award I won. It turns out I won the award for business, my least favourite subject during secondary, and I also won the award for being the student who improved the most between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4. I thought it was quite funny that I won the business award because I really didn't like the subject. 😂 I mean, I tried my hardest to enjoy it but I think I prefer business in the real world because it just makes more sense to me that way. Anyway, me and my parents were laughing at that. Although I also didn't really like my teacher that much either, she did say that I was really conscientious and worked hard so I did think that that was a nice thing to say and I did appreciate that. ❤️ I was also proud that I won a second award because I really wasn't expecting that. If you read my post on this year's GCSE results day, you'll know that I was actually mentioned in the local paper for being the student who improved the most in my year since the beginning of my time at secondary. I thought that the school did enough to mention me in the paper but it was really nice that they also mentioned my efforts in the awards ceremony too. It will be nice to have something to remind me of the things I've managed to achieve, despite some of the challenges.

I think what I like the most about these awards ceremonies is that you get the award because of your attitude and work ethic, not based solely on your talent. My sister and my friend actually both on the awards for science, not because it was necessarily something that they found easy but because they worked really hard everyday to achieve the results that they did and they therefore deserved to get the award. I appreciate and admire people who have a natural gift for something that they're passionate about because I think we all have our strengths in a particular field. However, it's nice to acknowledge those who've been working steadily and continuously in the sidelines to achieve there goals. That is just as admirable and deserves to be recognised in these awards ceremonies.

I must say, there were some interesting awards going out. There was an award for construction and even an award for work experience! 😂❤️ However, I am incredibly proud of myself and all my friends for receiving our awards. I know first hand just how hard we all worked in our final year at secondary school and although I don't talk to many of my friends now, I hope they know that I am just as proud of what they've managed to achieve too. This awards ceremony was a nice little memento for all of us to mark the very end of an incredible 5 years. Thank you to everyone who made it count!

I will share with you a photo of my awards once they're delivered to me so do stay tuned for that! 

Have you ever received an award that you were proud of? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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