Cambridge Youth Dance Company Taster Session - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Although I would say that my experience with dance in year 13 was a little disappointing because we had very few practical classes, one of the things that I did kind of enjoy doing were the workshops. In these workshops, the school would bring outside choreographers and teachers to come teach master classes to us in person. Initially these workshops were just for students who worked really hard and put in the most effort at school. I thought that I would be one of these students but it turns out I was actually never picked for these workshops. This just exposes the way things worked at Impington! However, I guess because this system really didn't work, the workshops were eventually made available to everyone who did dance and performing arts at the school. This was how I was able to eventually attend these workshops. One of the dance workshops I did, was actually hosted by Cambridge Youth Dance Company, a dance company for young people aged 14 - 19 years old in school years 9 to 14. The company director is a lady called Kate Durrant and she would host these classes at the large dance studio at Impington. I think because Kate kind of knows who I am, she direct messaged me on Instagram recently asking if I would interested in attending one of the taster sessions for the senior company which will be happening on the 28th of June. I am currently beginning my gap year and although I am looking for jobs in the Cambridgeshire area at the moment, I'm not entirely sure if I will be staying in one place come September time. However, I did sign up anyway because I thought it would be a good opportunity. Basically the way it works is that you attend the taster session and then if you like the classes then you can choose to audition for the company in September. If you audition and you get in, you can attend the classes with Cambridge Youth Dance Company for free, which is a bonus. Plus I think there will be the opportunity to go see shows and perform in different locations across the UK. So yes that's why I signed up to the taster session anyway. If I like it then I can potentially audition but if I don't I can also choose not to and move onto something else. The great thing about being on a gap year is that you can try lots of different things but you don't necessarily have to commit to anything either.

Have you ever auditioned for a dance company before? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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  1. I admire your dedication to dance and the arts. Good for you in seeing the value of a gap year and exploring all sorts of possibilities! I love the way you are designing your life!

    1. Thank you, that's very kind of you to say! 💜💜


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