How to not let a single person hold you back-Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,

Throughout my life,especially in secondary school, I've worked out one simple piece of human psychology that i'm sure everyone who is currently reading this has already figured out. It is that we are so weak that we let others people's thoughts about us, bring us down. Sometimes it is words but the majority of the time, it's just what people think of you. It seems to seriously affect us, even me sometimes. 

On Thursday, I had to leave dance early to go to parents evening and I didn't have a chance to change out of my dance clothes. I started to think about what people would think of me since I was wearing a bright red coloured ballroom dress. It wasn't a paranoid or worried thought but it was enough to make me feel weird about walking past all the people I knew. Now, looking back on it, I think it was such a stupid way of thinking but in the moment I was a bit embarrassed walking around in this bright red dress. I felt even more stupid for being worried because after a while, I didn't care what people thought of me and I soon realised that people didn't really stare. It just goes to show that what other people think of us, does have an affect on the way we live our lives. It's a very animalistic way of thinking because it goes back to when we wanted and needed to be accepted by others. However, there comes a time when it's just stupid and wastes time and in the long run, has no benefit to your life. I hope you don't make the same mistake as I did because you will regret the way you thought in the moment. I could have been happy that I decided not to care about the way in which people viewed me but instead I was upset that I wasn't more confident in myself.

Are you confident and don't care what others think of you? Let me know in the comments below and i'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

See you Saturday for another dance post,



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  1. I am so proud of you for coming to the realization you did about your clothing and who the real you is. I would not have done that at your age. Good for you! There are times I still am not confident in myself. It's a life long struggle to become the person you were meant to be.

    1. Yes, even when one day you're okay with yourself, the next day, everything can change.


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