How I would have written the last series of Keeping Faith - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Quite recently, me and my family watched series 4 of the Welsh drama series, Keeping Faith. To our slight disappointment, we realised that the ending was not quite what we were expecting or wanting so today, I'm going to run you through how I personally would have ended it. 

Not to spoil the story for those of you who have not yet watched this series before, but to give you the briefest of summaries of the later storyline of Keeping Faith, Evan Howells, a lawyer, goes missing in the first series and because of some of his actions, he goes to prison in series 3 and we find that he gets released from prison in series 4. Faith Howells, Evan's wife who is also a lawyer, has to look after 3 kids, Alys, Megan, and Rodrey, in the midst of all this chaos. She's a bit controversial because whilst Evan is away all that time, she meets an ex-criminal called Steve Baldini, who helps out the family and ends up falling for Faith.

The way the series ended for me, was a little unrealistic. The first thing that I found unrealistic about the storyline was how Faith's mother was quickly introduced in the last series. There was some mention of her in the first series but for me, not enough to remember her exact story in the end. I loved her character and how enticing and evil she was in how she tried to lure her grandchildren away from Faith, their mother. However, I would have liked to have had a bit of a stronger link to her story at the end and her story at the beginning so it wasn't such a shock to see the mother in series 4.

Secondly, I thought it was a little unrealistic how Megan began having anxiety attacks because of the issues that were going on between Faith and Evan, and neither Faith nor Evan bothered to help her as parents throughout the whole of the last series. I get that the portrayal was supposed to be that neither Faith nor Evan noticed or fully understood what was going on with Megan but to me, as a mother and a father, I would think that they would care enough to just try and help her and they didn't even do that. If the directors showed Faith and Evan trying to comfort their daughter, despite the circumstances, I think it would have improved things a lot in that regard.

Thirdly, I wasn't a big fan of Faith's constant stress. Throughout the series, Faith was portrayed as a mother who had clearly been through a lot at once, but despite that, she was strong enough to get through it. To me, her constant stress in the last series, didn't really fit with the storyline that was fed to us previously. I would have liked to have seen her pulling herself together a bit more, and keeping strong for her children.

Lastly, what annoyed me and the rest of my family the most was that Faith ended up being pregnant with Steve Baldini's child at the very end of the last episode for absolutely no reason at all. 😂 Again, this didn't fit in with the rest of the storyline and it was a completely unnecessary element to add. What I would have liked to have seen, was a bit more of Faith trying to comfort Angie, Steve's daughter, at the very end after she had just received the news that she had lost her father. That would have been a better and more realistic way to end the entire series.

Acorn TV

I hope you enjoyed reading through some of my improvements for the series. If you have not yet watched Keeping Faith, please do catch up on series 1 - 3, they are my favourite series, and let me know what you think of series 4 in the comments below. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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