Undergraduate choices - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

Today, I'm going to be talking about my undergraduate choices and the options that I could take regarding university and work in the future. It feels weird to talk about this now, as I've only just started sixth form in September but one has to bear in mind that sixth form only lasts for two years and applications for universities will probably have to be submitted late this year, when I start year 13, so now's about the time to start having a look around. 

Some of you may or may not know this, but my older sister Alice just turned 19 this year, and last year when she finished sixth form, she decided not to go to university and instead do a gap year and travel as she was still unsure of what she wanted to do in the future, and thus wanted to take a year out to think about it. Obviously, with the pandemic, she couldn't travel and so she's just been working in many jobs instead, to raise money so that she can hopefully travel in the future. 

For me, it's not necessarily that I don't have any idea of what I want to do in the future post sixth form, it's just that through doing the English IB and doing six subjects as part of my course, I've found that there's a lot of options I could take. In some ways that is a huge blessing because it gives me the freedom to choose what it is exactly that I want to do, but in other ways, it can just make me more confused because there is so much choice. My idea right now, is to go to university because I've always enjoyed learning and I would like to take that further with some of the subjects that I really enjoy doing. I've definitely decided to do some sort of degree in dance because I guess it comes as no surprise to anyone that I love dance and it's something that I want to pursue in the future so it would be useful to go down that path. However, I've always known that I don't just like doing dance. I took the IB in the first place because there's a plethora of subjects, whether I'm good at them or not, that I really enjoy doing. I was talking about this in the car with my mum on my way back from college one day and she said that I should look into doing some kind of combined degree, where I study two subjects at higher level instead of just one. That really appealed to me when she suggested that because it will give me another field that I can do further studying in. I don't know if this would be possible to do but I was thinking of maybe doing either history, Japanese, or English alongside dance. Right now I think the combination is going to be dance and history but that could change in the future. I wouldn't say that I'm the best historian on planet earth because there's certainly a lot that I don't know, and I feel like I forget things sometimes, but history is certainly still something that I love learning about, even if I'm not the best at it.

Which precise university I aim to go to will probably depend on which university provides my subject choices. I was thinking about probably going up north either to Manchester or Liverpool because I think that those places are really good for dance and both my parents actually went to Liverpool University and they said that it was a really friendly environment so that sounds appealing to me. However, there is also the other exciting option to go and study abroad in place like Canada and the US which sounds equally as amazing. I love travelling and experiencing and exploring new cultures so that might be another possibility. 

My sister proposed another idea to me and my family the other day. She suggested that she could move in with me when I move out to go to university. She'll get a job and start working in something that she loves doing whilst I study and work at the same time, so we share out the rent and everything else. I might choose to move out on my own or with other people in the future but again, that is yet another possibility. It's not exactly like we don't work well together. She has been kindly assisting me in my virtual dance classes and it seems to have worked really well so perhaps that could happen.

The thought of me moving out in September of next year kind of freaks me out. I was always called the baby of the entire family and soon it will be my turn to fly the nest. Nothing is set in stone yet, especially with the current pandemic going on, but it's still weird to think about that. For now, the thought is so scary that I prefer to brush it over my shoulder and act as though it's never going to happen!😂💜

What are your aspirations for life? Have you got any recommendations for universities? Let me know in the comments below or DM me/Facebook message me (links below), and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you!

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See you next time,


XOX, Juliette

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