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If at first you don't succeed, try, try again - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, If you follow me on Instagram, @jujupage1, you will know that I've spent the last 3 days on a little family holiday in Yoxford, Suffolk. I shall be posting all about how it went but today, on New Year's Day when you'll be reading this, I wanted to talk about something that you may find useful for the rest of the year. We want to start this new decade on a high so today I'll be focusing on the topic of perseverance. Now, on my holiday, I watched the first part of a new film that I've never seen before and it's called Eddie the Eagle. If you're a late 80s kid and British, you'll most likely know who Eddie the Eagle is but if you didn't know who he was like me, he was the first British ski jumper to compete in the winter Olympics, since 1928. His real name is Eddie Edwards but he was nicknamed Eddie the Eagle since he was able to compete at the age of 22 years old. Despite being passionate in spor...

Durham - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  As most of you have probably already seen on my Instagram, a couple months ago now, me and my parents went on a road trip to Durham to visit the university there. I thought it would be a wise idea to apply to other universities apart from Cambridge so that I would have more options in the future should anything not go to plan. And that's why I chose Durham because it was a good university and I also heard many good things about it from people at work who said they had studied there. I had actually wanted to visit Durham during their open day but of course this open day just so happened to fall at the exact same time as the open days at Cambridge which I suppose is typical. Both Cambridge and Durham are pretty competitive institutions to enter and I suppose they want you as an applicant to be selective with your decisions and narrow your choices down. It was quite annoying but I took to the internet and researched other wa...

The Jasmin Vardimon Company at the Sadlers Wells Theatre - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, As many of you already know, recently I joined the Cambridge Youth Dance Senior Company and I have now been taking classes with the group every Tuesday evenings since I joined in September. So far, everything is going well. We are set to perform at the Energise Dance Festival on the 4th of February next year so we have all worked together to come up with choreography for a 4 minute piece that we are creating for the show.  However, during the October half term, we also went to see the production Alice, performed by the professional dancers from the Jasmin Vardimon Company at the Sadlers Wells Theatre in London. The performance was spectacular and much of our inspiration for our own 4 minute routine, came from what we saw at the Sadlers Wells Theatre. The production was loosely based on the classic Alice in the Wonderland tale and the show combined props, costuming, and innovative choreography to tell a story of Alice coming of ...

Exploring Cambridge: Punting, Ittou, Heavenly Desserts, and Jesus Green - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  As you may have already seen on my Instagram a few weeks back, I took my sister Alice and my Polish friend Teresa out on a punting tour along the river Cam. Being a river tour guide can be quite a tough and demanding job at times but I suppose one of the great perks of doing it is that you can take your friends and family out on a self-punt along the river for free. The day after me and my parents had returned home from Seville, Teresa came over from Poland to stay with us for a couple of days. Really, she was just off to see her boyfriend Miles in Loughborough after her visit but since she was there and had never seen the backs of the colleges before, I saw it as the perfect opportunity to take her and Alice out on an informal tour around the Backs. Teresa arrived back in England on Friday the 9th of September at Standsted Airport. Me and my dad drove up to the airport that evening and waited in the McDonald's car park until ...

Posting my Nature of Science IA - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  As many of you will already know, as part of the International Baccalaureate, I studied Nature of Science which was a subject that combined elements of biology, chemistry, and physics, alongside a deeper analyses of the scientific method. For the Internal Assessment (coursework), we had to construct our own essay question based on a topic of our choice. I really enjoyed learning about the Miller-Urey experiment in class so I decided to write about this and frame my question into the wider context of the origin of life. In this essay, therefore, I discuss the value of the Miller-Urey experiment, which was carried out in the 1960s, and I also cover if the experiment, based on my findings, significantly changed the way scientists perceive the origins of life. I know that there is a lot of scientific jargon in this but I've subheaded sections for your clarity. I hope you enjoy this read and let me know what you guys think in the c...


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A visitor from Liverpool viewed 'Entering the real world - Lifestyle Monday' 14 days 1 hr ago
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