The difficulty of the artistic life - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, 

People tend to choose a creative profession because academic jobs are more challenging. In a way, I can understand why that would make sense to many people. If you wanted to get into medicine or become a paramedic, there's a lot you would have to do beforehand to get there. When I read Noel Fitzpatrick's book, Becoming the Supervet, in order for him to become a professor in his field, he had to go to vet school and specialise in orthopaedic surgery at university. That was a huge undertaking that would stress anyone out because it's so competitive and you've only got one chance to succeed after years and years of study. However, it's a common misconception that dance or any other creative industry, isn't just as stressful. Over the years I've been dancing, I've met a lot of different dancers and dance teachers. Luckily, both of my dance teachers in and out of school now are lovely and supportive but I've definitely encountered some arrogant people in the past. I think that sometimes, the more creative the profession is, the more stuck up people can get. This is mainly because dance is subjective to people's personal style. Some people are more open to other people's ideas than others and that is something you have to get used to in dance. It's the basic art of working with other people and sometimes the conflict that comes between two great minds working together, can completely destroy dancers. That's why when people say dance is competitive, it's true because it's all about what people like and what they don't like. However, it's important to embrace the style you've got because if you're truly confident and comfortable in your dancing, the right people will see that. Before I came to my current studio, Colours of Dance, I went to this really awful place which I don't want to name and shame but I believed I had to go t in order to become a better dancer. I ended up being around people who may have been the best dancers and may have gone to the best dance schools but I know are always going to be ugly inside. With their attitude, I highly doubt that anyone would want to take them on for jobs in the future because no one wants to work with people like that. You should always aim to be yourself because the more you show your audience that you absolutely love what you do, the more they like you, despite your abilities. 

Which do you prefer? Creative jobs or academic jobs? Let me know in the comments below and I'll be sure to reply to them. I ♡ hearing from you! 

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See you next time, 


XOX, Juliette

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  1. Anonymous16/2/20 04:55

    I would be more inclined to creative jobs myself....but I do love writing teaching language arts.
    We need some of all! I love that you love what you are doing!!! Good JOB!

    1. This is Linda Chapman......not Anonymous

    2. Thank you! That is very true. We cannot have too much of one thing. 😊


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