The best quality you can have in a friend - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, As I'm going to sixth form very soon, I thought it would be a good idea to write a post on the topic of friends as I'm sure I'll be getting to know a whole range of different people when I go back to school. Although there are a few people that I know who will be going to my new school, not many of my friends have chosen to go to the same sixth form as I have so this can only mean that I will have to make some new friends in the new school term. I'm quite excited because it's a new start and I'm sure I'll meet a lot of people with similar interests to me and I'm sure I'll soon end up with a group of people who I will hang out with the most. However, after hanging out with a range of different people during my 5 years at secondary school, I've developed a better understanding of the types of people I would want to hang out with. When someone asks me what the best quality you can have in a fr...