
Showing posts from May, 2019

How have my mocks gone so far?- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Recently, I've just finished my first set of year 10 mock exams. After my mistakes on my actual GCSE RE exam,I was determined to do better on my other exams. Turns out on my themes paper for RE, I did do better which was what I expected because I'm a lot better at the philosophical side of things. In terms of my other exams, I do think that I improved. I did my maths exams and whilst I'm not good at calculator tests, I did better than I thought and I even answered questions that we had not covered yet in class in the non-calculator test. I did mix up some of my dates in my history exam, but I managed to complete all of the questions and answer them to the best of my ability. I also did really well on my French reading, listening, and writing. The listening test was supposed to be really difficult but I didn't struggle too much throughout and I felt as though I did really well. My last exam was on Friday and it was...

My trip to Creams, Cambridge with my sister- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, On Saturday, I went to Creams with my sister Alice. We thought it would be a good idea to go again since I've just finished my first set of exams and I needed to go into town anyway to get some new trainers. We took the 11:30am bus into the centre of Cambridge. When we arrived, we took a second bus to Cambridge Leisure Centre. Last time, we walked there from centre and it was quite a long walk so this time we decided to get the bus. When we arrived at Creams, we sat down at one of the tables and decided what we were going to eat. I decided to get a red velvet hot cookie dough dessert with strawberry ice-cream with a banana berry smoothie. My sister got the peanut butter hot cookie dough with a strawberry smoothie. Yes, we did just get dessert for lunch like we did last time but it's not everyday. The food was delicious anyway. Once we finished, we walked back to centre to burn off all the sugar we ate. We then went straig...

History of dance - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, It is difficult to stem down the exact origins and roots of dance and where it came from because there are no physical artifacts left behind. However, we do know that dance in early times was custom during festivals and ceremonies. The 30,000 year old Bhimbetka rock shelter paintings in India and the Egyptian tomb paintings depict dancing figures from c.3300 BC. The contemporary dance style that is performed today, can be traced back down to historical, ceremonial dances of the ancient period. In the 19th century Maria Taglioni first skimmed the stage like an ethereal being during the period of Romanticism. Ballerinas that expressed their emotions like Maria, first heralded the true art of pointe-work. This era was the first time that ballerinas formed their routines upon fantasy, mystical and exotic cultures. Ballets as we know them today, evolved from this point to form the big productions with costumes and plots that we ...

"Most people do not listen with the intent to understand, they listen with the intent to reply"- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, In all aspects of the history of humanity, we've learnt to act with urgency and to reply to what is deemed to be negativity. I suppose it doesn't just only continue from the creation of man, it also expands down to our late hominem ancestors that out of survival, learnt to attack the attackers. However, a couple billion years later, a more civilised society of homo sapiens sprung. The ones who sit, eat, and behave sensibly.  Yet, what hasn't changed, is the will to stop others from talking. In the past, we may have attacked other species of animal because they were physically attacking us but now, we attack because we mentally cannot accept that one owns a contrasting view to the other. When we hear the opposing view, it's like sirens in our ears that warns us to shut them down. Like the Berlin Blockade of 1948, many of us blockade the sound of the opposing view with our own jibberish that means the debater cann...

How I've dealt with bullying- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Today, I decided to talk about something that I've never really talked about on my blog before and that is bullies. I don't know really what motivated me or propelled me to make this post but I know it's something that I've definitely been through and I know that my advice can hopefully help others out there who are struggling with this. I can't really remember exactly what happened but when I started primary school, I was bullied. I don't remember the exact details but I think that they were just saying nasty things to me and as a young girl who was really desperate and excited to start school just like her big sister, it really took a toll on me. I didn't really talk about it to my parents but I think that subconsciously, I did want to let them know that something was wrong so one day, I came home after school with a packed lunch box still full of food. My mum asked me why I had not eaten anything an...

What i'm hoping to do for my own dance routine in year 11- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, As part of the final BTEC dance course, year 11s are required to come up with their own group routines in order to be examined on choreographic skills in the show in May. Next year, I will be in year 11 and having looked at some of the self-choreographed group routines in the shows by previous year 11s, I have a rough idea of what I want to do. I believe that the style of dance that we're going to be choreographing our routines to is contemporary. The problem with this style of dance, now that that I've seen previous shows, is that it all looks the same. I think that in order to really score high marks, I need to do something that no one has ever really seen before. Depending on what the stimulus is for our dances, I need to create an original story around that so that I can choreograph something unique and different. I'm probably going to come up with some new movements as well that no one has seen before in a contem...

How did my first GCSE go?- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, On Monday, I sat my first actual GCSE exam for RE. I have two tests for RE, beliefs and practices which is about religion and thematic studies which is more about philosophical topics such as abortion and euthanasia. This year, unlike previous years, year 10 is allowed to take RE early instead of year 11 which I think is good because it's one less GCSE to worry about and I'm really not at all religious. However, on Monday afternoon, I sat my beliefs and practices exam which in the end didn't go awful but I think, to be honest, I was expecting it to go a lot better than it actually did. There are 2 papers to complete in an hour and 45 minutes, one on Christianity and the other on Islam. Each of them contain 12 written questions (1,2,4,5,12 mark questions) so that is 24 questions as a whole and I completed 21 of those questions. One question I probably could have answered because it was on the day of Ashura and despite ...

Testing Lush's Brightside bubble bar- Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, As I'm sure many of you know because I've been talking about it a lot, I went to Oxford Street in London with my sister and whilst we were there, one of the very first places we went to was Lush. I think that this place is talked about to much not to go so we went. As I've mentioned in my Oxford Street blog post, it was so much better than the Lush I normally go to at home in Cambridge. There were tonnes of demonstrators showing all the amazing soaps and there were so many different parts and levels to the overall store, it was awesome! Anyway, if you want to hear the story in detail, I will leave the post below so you can go and read that if you want to but today I'm going to be testing one of my bubble bars and in my opinion, one of my favourite products that I got, today.  This bubble bar is called the Brightside bubble bar and it smells of orange and it has an orange and yellow swirl in the middle of it. The...

How to cope with dance injuries and pulled muscles- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Even if you do dance recreationally or you're a competitive dancer, a lot of people get pulled muscles or injuries. Personally, I've never been properly injured before in dance but you can ask all the members of my family and they'll tell you that I always complain about having pulled muscles. I suppose that it's understandable since I practically do dance four times a week but sometimes I do nothing and I'll still get pulled muscles which doesn't make any sense. That's why I thought it was a good idea to make this post because you never know when you're going to need it. Firstly, I would really recommend investing in a foam roller if you're a dancer because it is really going to stretch you're pulled muscles properly. I use it on my legs. Most of the time I pull muscles in my calves and so I find that it really helps to roll them out using my foam roller. If you don't have a foam r...

What we should be cautious of when entering this climate emergency- Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Recently, as more and more people are becoming aware, the public have been standing up for change in the way in which we are handling this climate change crisis. It's always been a worry for a lot of people to ensure that we are being as environmentally friendly and kind to our planet as we possibly can be. However, in the last few years, as many scientists have been predicting that we may only have 10 years left to truly make a difference to our environment, people as young as youths have been passively revolting for change in the way their parliament deal with this issue. The famous Youth Strike for Climate Change, founded by 16 year old environmental activist Greta Thunberg, got children and teens all over the world  gathering together to give up a day of school to protest against the way things are currently done. I personally really like this new initiative and I think that it's really refreshing to see people of a...

My trip to Oxford Street, London - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, As some of you may have seen on my Instagram, on Saturday, me and my sister Alice went to Oxford Street in London to do some shopping. My sister had been dying to go to London for her 17th with her friends but they couldn't go so I decided to go with her. We wanted to go to London last weekend but I had a lot of revision to do so we thought that it was best to go on our 3 day weekend.  On Saturday, we woke up at our usual time of 9:00am since we only had to catch the train at 11:30. We decided to take the later train since my sister was tired from commuting constantly to and from school early in the morning and late in the evening and of course, I had my dance show the day before that really tired me out so we decided not to rush.  It was about an hour's train journey from Waterbeach to Kings Cross in London and after having to stand around for a bit because there was nowhere to sit down, me and my sister final...

How did the dance show go?- Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Overall, the school dance show that I was involved in, went a lot better than planed. I was worried throughout the week that I wasn't going to do a good job on some of the routines. The day before the show, I was told that I was doing a trio with these two girls in my year, one of which was also told last minute as well. This was because it turned out that the people doing the trio originally had another routine straight after it so they wouldn't have time to get changed. Consequently, me and this other girl in my year had to learn the routine at lunch on the day of the rehearsal. Luckily, it wasn't a difficult routine to learn and despite the fact I wasn't entirely confident in it, I managed to pull it off and everybody enjoyed the choreography. We were also panicking about the commercial routine that we did with a guest choreographer that my dance teacher knows. We struggled with the timing of the routine beca...

My English speaking exam speech!(Distinction level) - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Here's my English Speaking Exam that I did on Tuesday and got a distinction for. I managed to memorise this whole speech to along with my slides! Enjoy.  - Today, I thought that I would talk about my family heritage since as some of you may know, I do come from a multi-cultural background. My mum is fully French, but she was not born in France, she was born in a colony of France called Reunion which is a small island off the coast of South Africa, in between Madagascar and Mauritius. They speak two languages there French and Creole French which is very similar too French, but it also sounds slightly different. These were the languages that my mum grew up to speak earlier in her life. However, she didn’t live in Reunion for all her life, she eventually moved to the South of France at an early age before she obviously moved to England to spend the rest of her life there.  My dad, however, was born in Kyoto in J...


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