
Showing posts from February, 2022

The stress is only temporary - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Recently I have been feeling a bit stressed about my oral exams for English and Japanese, which shall be taking place very shortly. My English exam is about 15 minutes long and shall be taking place this Thursday and my Japanese exam will be about 10 minutes long and will be taking place next week on Tuesday, my mum's birthday. I have been trying my best to keep it all together but I must confess, it has felt little bit like an uphill battle at times. This is mostly because I want to do well. :) I'm sure I have made it very clear to you that I have found the IB a  very difficult and very demanding course and because of that, there have been many times when it has felt like the course has expected a little too much from me. I know that I am a person of challenge and I know that my past has proven that I can push through the things that I have found the most difficult, but like any other perfectly normal human being, I do g...

Life Update: World Challenge, Oral Exams, and Project 21 - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Long time no see!  I hope you're having a great Valentine's Day, however you're spending it! Today I wanted to give you guys a little lite update because I think a lot of things have happened and I need to inform you guys all about it. The first rather big news is that my World Challenge trip to Northern Tanzania will not be in Northern Tanzania anymore, it will actually be in Morocco. This is because apparently, according to World Challenge (the trip organiser), Tanzania is a bit behind on the vaccine roll out and they don't believe that the situation will change in the space of 5 months so they decided to relocate us as a group to another country that is making more progress with regards to Covid. I knew that either full cancellation or relocation of the trip due to Covid was a possibility because I was informed of this at the start of the year. However, I thought that the world was kind of coming out of the thick...

The undutiful charity - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Unfortunately, on Monday, something rather shocking and outrageous happened to me and my friends whilst we were in school. Me, Maia, and Teresa had all received an email from the manager of Project 21, the charity that supports people with Down's Syndrome, announcing the termination of our employment with them. I don't like to name and shame, or talk badly about anyone, but since I have been referring to Project 21 in my blog posts in the past, as I have been keeping you guys updated on my progress fundraising for Tanzania, I thought that I might as well just be open with who actually fired all three of us from our jobs which we all genuinely loved. I don't like to use the term fired because that would give connotations to us actually doing something egregiously wrong, which we did not do. But I shall use the term fired because it seems as though this charity, which I thought had people's best interest at heart, be...


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A visitor from Liverpool viewed 'Entering the real world - Lifestyle Monday' 14 days 3 hrs ago
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