
Showing posts from August, 2022

The last few shifts before a week of travel - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, On the day that you're reading this, I will be going away on holiday the next day for a week with my mum and dad. My older sister Alice has decided to travel to Prague with her boyfriend for a week too so we'll both be away around this time. Last week, as well as Monday and Tuesday of this week, I decided to work my final few shifts at Scudamore's before travelling. I will be working at the punting company during the autumn as well but because I went from doing the IB to doing river tours straight afterwards, I thought it was best to take a small break in-between, so that I could be refreshed and ready for the autumn season coming up.  There are two punting stations at Scudamore's, one at Mill Pond and one at Quayside, and they are both at opposite ends of the river. There are two different stations because the company can then pick up customers on both sides of the river, but the river tour guides can choose to wor...

My 18th birthday, IB results day, and punting up the river Cam - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, First and foremost, apologies for my absence on here recently. In truth, I have been working on creating another website on WordPress where I hope to move this blog onto. As you all know, I have been writing on this blog since I was 12 years old and whilst I have really enjoyed the experience, I feel as though the site on Blogger is now getting a bit old for me and it's time for me to move on. I am now 18 years old and I need something a little bit more professional that matches the person I have become, and I believe that this new site on WordPress will allow me to fulfill this. You needn't worry though, this site will remain open and you can always come back to the old posts written by me that you've loved reading over the years. It's just that at some point in the near future, I will be writing on my WordPress site instead of this one. I also hope to add some information about my online dance classes to this new ...

Posting my IB English HL essay - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  I have a lot of essays to get through so I thought I would upload another one today. Today, I am posting my IB English Higher Level essay that I wrote as part of my extensive coursework for the International Baccalaureate. Here I compare William Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience poems, whilst answering the question, How does Blake influence the reader’s perspective of children in Songs of Innocence and Experience? I hope you enjoy! 😀💜 How does Blake influence the reader’s perspective of children in Songs of Innocence and Experience?   Childhood is an unforgettable, finite time period, that is equally characterised by innocence, joy, and sadness.   Many poets have been able to communicate the beauty of childhood through their bodies of work. However, there was no other poet who expressed as much admiration for children as much as the poet William Blake. Like many poets of his time, Blake was most influen...


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A visitor from Liverpool viewed 'Entering the real world - Lifestyle Monday' 14 days 2 hrs ago
A visitor from Columbus viewed 'Keeping Up With Juliette' 29 days 14 hrs ago
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