
Showing posts from September, 2022

We ate bocadillo in Córdoba - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Apologies for my absence on here recently. A lot of things have been happening. As I write this post, I am actually back from Spain and I am back to the normal working routine at Scudamore's. So far, despite the fact that we're now off the peak season and heading into the autumn, I am enjoying the working life and being a river tour guide. I feel as though I am growing and developing as a person everyday which is a nice feeling and I find that it's such a refreshing change from the hectic schedule I had during the IB. However, if you follow me on my Instagram, you'll also know that I recently visited the Cambridge colleges with my parents and currently I am making applications to the University of Cambridge to study history. To be perfectly honest, I doubt I am actually going to get in because it seems as though the application process is very demanding and only a select few make it through all the stages. But, taki...

Visiting the Real Alcázar de Sevilla 🇪🇸 - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, As I mentioned in my previous blog post, last week on Thursday, me and my parents travelled to Seville, Spain for our week-long holiday break away from the UK. My older sister Alice went to Prague in the Czech Republic with her boyfriend, Tom, during this time, so it was only me on the plane with my parents for this holiday. It was a hectic journey getting to Seville, as I'm sure you've all probably read already in my previous blog post and in a way, we almost didn't make it to Spain at all, but I'm so glad that luck was on our side because what a beautiful city it is and what an absolute shame it would have been to have missed it all!  Seville is a 2,200 year old Spanish city located by the Guadalquivir River in the southwest part of the Iberian Peninsula. This ancient city obviously has a rich history as it was occupied by many groups of people throughout it's lifetime: the Phoenecians and the Tartessians (the...

Scudamore's staff party + a hectic journey to Spain - Lifestyle Monday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  If you follow me on my Instagram stories, @jujupage1, you would have seen that I attended a staff party last week organised by Scudamore's, the punting company that I work for in Cambridge. At first, I wasn't sure if I would be able to go. The staff party was on a Wednesday evening and I was expected to fly out to Seville, Spain, early the next morning with my parents. I wasn't sure if I would get enough sleep for my journey the next day if I did end up going but when I went to work on Tuesday, my two river tour guide friends, Sophie and Leonie, convinced me that it was a good idea that I should go, even if it was only going to be for a couple of hours. To be honest, I'm glad I did go because it was a lot of fun. The party was hosted on Robinson Crusoe Island, which is a green space located by the river going up towards Grantchester. I was expecting there to be a few drinks, as well as a couple of snacks, but there...

Posting my IB dance extended essay - Dance Saturday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post,  Today, I'll be posting my IB extended essay that I did on the subject of dance. In this essay, I explore how Strictly Come Dancing has helped to disseminate Ballroom and Latin dance, a previously regarded old style of dance, amongst the younger generation and how that's led to the continuity of this dance style in the modern day. This essay took me a long time to write because it focused on a very unique topic that has not really been talked about or approached before in the academic sense. Most of my friends and peers did their extended essays on subjects such as English and history, which were classic subjects for the extended essay. However, I was selected to do mine on dance and for a long time I doubted if I could write an essay that would be of the same quality as the others. Over the months, there were drafts and redrafts and paragraphs written and rewritten, as well as many meetings held with my supervisor, but eve...


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A visitor from Liverpool viewed 'Entering the real world - Lifestyle Monday' 13 days 22 hrs ago
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