We ate bocadillo in Córdoba - Writing Wednesday

Hello everybody and welcome back to another blog post, Apologies for my absence on here recently. A lot of things have been happening. As I write this post, I am actually back from Spain and I am back to the normal working routine at Scudamore's. So far, despite the fact that we're now off the peak season and heading into the autumn, I am enjoying the working life and being a river tour guide. I feel as though I am growing and developing as a person everyday which is a nice feeling and I find that it's such a refreshing change from the hectic schedule I had during the IB. However, if you follow me on my Instagram, you'll also know that I recently visited the Cambridge colleges with my parents and currently I am making applications to the University of Cambridge to study history. To be perfectly honest, I doubt I am actually going to get in because it seems as though the application process is very demanding and only a select few make it through all the stages. But, taki...