Hedgehogs are endangered!

Hi guys,

Welcome back to my blog. Did you know that hedgehogs are endangered? I certainly didn't until very recently after I watched Steve Backshall's documentary on hedgehogs with my family. I didn't know completely but I guess it made sense. In our garden, we used to have a lot of hedgehogs. Like every summer we would see a hedgehog because we live next to a field and there were a lot of hedgehogs. But it is very strange because now, we barely see any! I was shocked to find, that when we went around friends, they had saved a baby hedgehog! I got to hold it and it was sooo cute! Here is me going soft again. But I mean seriously. The main killer of hedgehogs is roads which is where our friends found the baby hedgehog. So if you see a hedgehog is danger what can you do to help? Here are a few tips and tricks to help. Remember I am not an expert! These are just  my researched results:

1. The telegraph states that getting down by a hedgehog's view helps to see where they can find cover in your garden. For more tips, check out their website:
2. Most hedgehogs who are healthy, would rather be left alone. A few signs of an unhealthy hedgehog is staggering and sunbathing. These both suggest that they may have hypothermia since they are trying to conserve as much body heat as possible. If you see a hedgehog or a hoglet like this, then you should fill a hot water bottle with warm water. You should comfortably be able to place your hand on top of it. The bottle has to be wrapped before. Then you can place the hedgehog on top of the bottle and putit inside a box. For more info, check out this website:
3. It is very important to feed an injured or unhealthy hedgehog. Since hedgehogs can't digest milk, it is a good idea to leave out the milk and bread food. Instead opt for dog or cat food and even nuts.
4. Leaving wild areas in your garden, makes a good area for hedgehogs to go and forage. So leave some areas of your garden untouched! It's good for the wildlife! 

I hope you've enjoyed this blog post,

By saving one single hedgehog, you can grow a whole population of hedgehogs with just a bit of perseverance,

Never give up on the species just outside your doorstep,

See you guys in another one,




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